We’re Here!: Freedom Is Just A Generation Away From Extinction

Is it just me, or does it seem as though very few people truly want to be free? Not just in America, but in the countries of Europe as well.  More and more people seemingly want to be ruled and governed by someone or something else, surrender personal responsibility, and allowing someone or something else to determine their success or failure, willfully surrendering their freedoms and liberties.

In 1993 28 nations of Europe literally erased their national borders and identity to become a superstate, the European Union, headquartered in Brussels, by which 19 nations surrendered their national currencies to be under one monetary system, the Euro. But the shot that rung out throughout the European continent on June 23 was that a majority of British Citizens still stubbornly cling to the notion of Britons determing the lives, the destiny, and the politics of Briton, and not some faceless unelected group of politicians thousands of miles beyond the English Channel.

But, the real story is the most troubling. The division amongst those of the British older generation and that of the youth, and those with a formal education and those without, was laid bare for all the world to see1. The younger generation, those under 60 y/o particularly, and those with at least a formal university level education greatly favored to remain having their lives and politics being ruled by a government centered in Brussels, as opposed to those who wanted to regain British independence from European dictates.

I believe that a very similar production of events is set to play out here in America in just a couple of months with the U.S Presidential elections, but with more dire ramifications for the world, no matter the outcome. The presumptive Republican nominee has unapologetically tapped into an emotionally charged mantra, “Make America Great Again.” Alluding to a vow to return the country to the glory of some 60 years past, when the United States and America were in their prime and dominance – politically socially, economically, and internationally. Just as with the Pro-Brexiters, Trump’s main campaign pillar is to stop in the flood of unassimilated low skilled and low educated immigrants into the country that is not being voted on locally, but being dictated by the central government in D.C onto the several states.  And so too, as with Briton, those who are supporting Trump’s message are those over 45 and 60 y/o and without a formal university education2.

But, I believe that the U.S elections have less to do with the two main actors than the audience and supporters that they garner, and future of the ideal of freedom, both as a nation and as individual citizens. Neither candidate is promising less government. Neither candidate subscribes to strict Constitutional principles nor interpretation. Lease of the two is Mrs. Hillary Clinton, the Democrat nominee. She blatantly wants the federal seat to dictate and govern the lives of Americans and U.S Citizens and grotesquely expand the size and reach of the government. Whereas Mr. Trump just believes his version of an over-baring federal government will be better.

The concerning point of both of these pivotal events to me is that no one seems to care that the majority of the youth of the two nations that were founded upon and greatly influenced by the Magna Carta, Great Briton and the United States of America, respectively, a fundamental document protecting the rights and liberties of the individual against the power of the absolute king, or government. A youth population that apparently sees no problem with giving the king, i.e. the government, absolute power over their lives again, in fact they are begging for it.

Former president Ronald Reagan prophetically stated, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream.”

Due to 60 plus years of federal governmental indoctrination via the it’s control of the nation’s educational systems, in both England and America, has developed in the minds of those without any true reference nor reverence of a time of a less imposing central government influence and a time in which individualism and self-rule were proud and indistinguishable traits of both nation’s people, but in particular for America, the notion that government is good and bigger government is better.  There used to be a time that the very word socialism or communism were repugnant to Americans consciousness without reservation.  But in a recent Gallup Poll, astonishingly 55% of Americans between 18 and 29 y/o favored socialism3. But yet, that same group has a largely favorable view of capitalism, entrepreneurism, free enterprise, and small business; all of which greatly struggles, or dies, under a socialist economic system. As evidenced by the fact that America is less than 300 y/o, founded on capitalism and entrepreneurism, has been out performing economically the whole of Europe, whose societies have been in existence for centuries. It is the belief that Europe could better economically compete with America if they joined into one superstate was the main mantra for the creation of the European Union in the first place. How is that working for them?

But what may not be so surprising is that when a “Millennial” [those born around 1980] is asked to define socialism, they can’t4. The U.S government education system does not teach the differences of the world’s economic system, capitalism, socialism, and communism, as it once did. It certainly doesn’t teach of the superiority of American capitalism over any other economic system.  So is it not the fault of the parents in particular, and those of us who are 40 y/o and older who have willingly abnegated our responsibility to teach the children the differences? I say very much so.

Reagan said it right, freedom is not passed through the bloodstream. It is taught. It cannot be defended nor keep without knowing and understanding the difference between freedom and servitude; Just as a young lion has to be taught the differences between a gazelle and a hyena. And also just as Mr. Reagan most correctly stated regarding freedom, “It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”

The reason that it seems as though so many of the younger generation, as well as the old, in Briton and more importantly here in America, and that we have reached the point that we have lost reverence for the very ideal of freedom and personal liberty, both young and old, is because we have lost the true knowledge of what being free actually is.  My question is, if we as the older generation cannot, or won’t, teach the younger generation what freedom is, in the country that made the word freedom into an action verb and a noun for the world to aspire to, and men and women have giving their lives for the sake of it, then who will future historians blame?


1)  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/06/24/eu-referendum-how-the-results-compare-to-the-uks-educated-old-an/

2)  http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/05/the-trumpian-coalition/481272/

3)  http://www.gallup.com/poll/191354/americans-views-socialism-capitalism-little-changed.aspx

4)  http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/commentary/ct-millennials-socialism-bernie-sanders-20160513-column.html



The Government & Establishment Reaction to Charleston and Orlando Shootings Exhibits Extreme Agenda


This is a face of a "self radicalized" man.

This is a face of a man “self radicalized”.


Okay, it has been over a week since the tragedy of the shooting at a night club, frequented by Americans of the homosexual persuasion, by an individual of Arab decent espousing and sympathetic to the extreme hateful ideology of Islam who killed nearly 50, injured another 54,  and I have not heard the Media nor the Administration condemn the followers, icons of Islam, symbols of Islam, nor descendants of people of the Islamic ideology as symbols of hate that should be erased from public view and scorned.  In fact, the Media, in particular the U.S Administration, and the whole national Democrat Party have strenuously attempted to detach the shooter, who has obvious ties to radical Islamic ideology and individuals, from any notion that he had any connection, rather directly or indirectly, to the radical terrorist group ISIS [Islamic State of Iraq & Syria], nor the teachings of Islam in any way.  The president himself has publicly denounced any notion of the gunman in the Orlando tragedy being anything more than a “lone gunman” acting on his own behest and without any negative influence from ISIS theology or ideology or Islam, and that it is the fault of his ability to lawfully get a gun that the tragedy occurred.

This is the face of hate and evil heritage

This is the face of hate and evil heritage

The reaction of Obama Administration and the complicit Media surrounding the Orlando shooting is in stunning contrast to their reaction to the Charleston, South Carolina church shooting killing 9 black-Americans by an assailant who was of Caucasian-Southern decent, and has been shown in a picture with a Confederate Battle Flag.


The president and his agents immediately rapped the shooter in the Confederate Flag and made every icon of southern history, every symbol of the south, and anyone and anything that could be vaguely associated with past southern heritage, ideology, or pride, complicit in the actions of this “lone gunman”.  Of course the fact that he was able to get a gun from his parents was also reason for the carnage.  Not the fact that he was just someone with deep mental issues.

In the wake of the gross anti-southern heritage propaganda of the Administration and its Media accomplices, streets and school names of southern idols had to be renamed.  Monuments of southern heroes were removed or threatened with removal.  And anything vaguely resembling the Confederate flag or southern heritage was, and still is, threatened with extinction from public view.  But in the case of a man with obvious affiliation of radical Islam at most, and who held ISIS ideology in high regard at the least, we are to believe these facts had nothing to do with the Orlando shooter’s drive to commit the crime; that it was the availability of lawfully purchased guns in the American society. And not that federal and local law enforcement have been virtually neutered due to extraordinary restrictive rules of engagement regarding dealing with Muslims by the Administration.

Lets keep in proper context that the American Civil War occurred well over a century ago, slavery was officially outlawed in the U.S and America in 1865, while radical Islam has been at war with western culture and ideology since Jefferson had to send the Marines to Tripoli, an followers of radical Islam are killing and causing havoc all over the world today in a most horrific way.   Yet the president of the United States, the leadership of the Democrat Party, and the Establishment Media wants us to believe that lawful gun ownership, Conservatives, Christians, Southerns, and the Republican Party are a greater threat than radical Islam.  Amazing!  Stunning!  And Dangerous!

Imagine if we as a nation were told by  President Roosevelt that reason for the Japanese bombing Pearl Harbor was due to the notion that there were too many U.S military ships in an area that Japan wanted to control; that it was our fault for instigating the attack on us.  Image if we were told by the U.S president prior to either World War One or Two that the reason for German’s aggression towards its European neighbors was not due to its belief or ideology of German world dominance or Aryan ethnic supremacy. Evil is evil. Just because he or she is so. A tragedy is a tragedy.  Just because it is.  Anyone who poses a threat to our way of life is a threat to us all, no matter their ethnicity, religious affiliation, nor sexual orientation, and should be identified as such and dealt with appropriately.  Terrorism has less to do with the actual event than how those who where targets respond and deal with the act.  Do we take bold and rational acts to defend ourselves and see to it that no such act(s) are carried out by the perpetrators?  Do we panic?  Or do we inflict more injury upon ourselves by turning on each other and psychologically doing what those who attracted us in the first place sought to achieve, by living in fear and mis-trust of each other?  If the face of the U.S government cannot or will not tell the American people the truth in the time most critical, and at worst seeks to deceive and manipulate us by Orwellian double speak and word contortion when we are most at risk of being targets of terrorist or our enemies, whether it be from within or from without, this nation is in true peril.







A Remake Of Roots…On Memorial Day…REALLY?! Will they ever cease trying to divide us?


Still mad at the White Man.?

Still mad at the White Man.?

On Memorial Day 2016, on a day that was purposely set aside to honor the brave men and women, sons and daughters, husbands and wives, who have given the ultimate sacrifice for their fellow soldiers and country, the heads of the “History Channel” have decided to run a remake of Roots – an American slave movie.  Roots originally aired in 1977, and was based on the family of Alex Haley, the author.

At a time of the greatest increase of racial division in our nation since the 1960’s, the powers at the History Channel unleashes a movie on of one of the darkest divisive racial periods in American history?  They could not do a remake on the Amistad, Glory, or the Tuskegee Airmen? They couldn’t do a movie on Fredrick Douglas, the Buffalo Soldiers, General Hannibal, Madame C.J Walker, or any story about how Black and White Americans joined to combat injustice, slavery, or to ensure freedom in America? Really?  But to do a story on some of these topics or heroes would be counter to the narrative that Blacks in America have always been slaves and that Whites owe them eternally for what some of their ancestors did to some blacks generations ago and that is the “White Man” that is keeping me down”.  Why not do an epic mini-series on the Trail of Tears-the forced removal of the so-called Indian from their lands by the U.S government, the strife between the Irish and the Italians at the turn of the century, or the forced incarceration of the Asian-Americans during World War II? It does not fit their narrative to further divide the two dominate ethnic groups in America – the Blacks and Whites.

The whole world knows by just glancing at the history of America and it’s political and social structure that the matter of slavery and race, regarding Blacks and Whites, is a scab on the nation.  And if they wanted to divide us, distract us, and have us fighting amongst ourselves, the easiest way to do so is to peel back the scab and pour vinegar in it.

Over the past 7 plus years, upon the election of the United States’ first actual African-American, Mr. Barack Obama, the race-baiters and those seeking to divide us and separate us have left no opportunity to dump salt on the unhealed wound of America unutilized.  Every divisive dart to keep Blacks dis-trusting whites, feeling entitled to the wealth of others, and sub-consciously imprinted with the belief they we destined to be 2nd class citizens who are subsequently unable to survive independent the hand of the government, has struck its mark with destructive accuracy.

What I find to be a perverted twist of the insanity of this whole situation is that the Puppet Master, the real director of the chaos and disturbance who seeks to destroy America, has the Blacks in America seeking relief for the past suffering, i.e., White people putting them in slavery, from a government mostly composed of White people, with its political flag-barer a political Party, the Democratic Party, who led the fight FOR slavery up until the official abolishment, with no help from them, who created the Klu Klux Klan, and who’s policies ( along with Liberal Progressives) have further shackled the black American community, both socially and economically, to hardship and crippling governmental dependence, in a nation that still provides the black American community with an estimated $1 TRILLION in annual wealth.  Just imagine if there were not shackles about the ankles and minds of the black-American? As reported by MartinRicard.com in 2013, there were 35,000 Black millionaires in America, nearly 2 million black-Americans owned their own business, and 28 banks were owned by black Americans. Why aren’t these such stories more vociferously reported, humm? Instead, who famed journalist Tony Brown calls, the plantation warriors leave no quarter in attempting to keep as many Blacks mentally chained to the plantation via constant reminders of a period, that at the end of the day, relative to the many centuries and centuries of the existence of Blacks on the planet, as well as on this continent, equates to a minute in time.

The most interestingly over-looked component in stories about the slave trade is the complicitness of Blacks in placing Blacks into bondage and on plantations in America, as well as all over the world.  Though the Media wishes to keep the focus on the dirty hands of some Whites, it seeks to cleanse the hands of the Black accomplices regarding the black-American plight.  If history is to be reported, should it best be reported honestly?  Black-Americans making a profit on the suffering and the economic displacement of other Blacks by keeping the kettle of racial hatred and mis-trust intensely stirred isn’t anything new.  Great pre-1960’s Civil Rights Leader Booker T. Washington prophetically stated, “There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”

The History Channel could have picked any day other than Memorial Day to air Roots.  It could have chosen to air something historically positive, patriotic, and or uplifting and inspiring.  But it purposefully chose not to.  The heads of the History Channel should be ashamed of themselves for rather than using a day to bring us together to remember why we are so blessed to be united as Americans, to remember the best in us, the great American heroes who gave their lives for the benefit of those to come after them of this country, and for the rest of the free world, to instead choosing to highlight a destructive and divisive period in our nation’s history, to use it for a day of propagandazation of the worst of us, to further divide us for the benefit of only our enemies, whether they be from without or within.  Days such as Memorial Day should be a time for all Americans, no matter our ethnicity, to be reminded of all the reasons we should be proud to be Americans and living in, what is still the greatest nation led by Divine Providence in which we are the only nation to declare in writing that ALL men are created equal and receive our inalienable rights through God, and not man-America.

At the end of the day, we each determine whether we to be free or slave.

The “Choice” Of Trump Or Hillary Exemplifies America’s Moral Decay.

One of my favorite quotes regarding America is by Alexis de Tocqueville, America is great because America is good. If America ever ceases to be good it will cease to be great.  I have to keep in mind that he did not say that America was perfect. Cause it was, and is not. But I do believe in his reference to America being good he meant morally. Though we are not perfect people, we have always sought to be a moral people. Every American and U.S President sought to exhibit strong moral character. From Washington to at least G.W Bush a strong moral code was a dominant part of their character, posture, and persona. And so too as Tocqueville prophetically stated, In the end, the state of the Union comes down to the character of the people”.  The government is a direct reflection of the governed in America.

The last two U.S presidential elections the American people and Citizens of the U.S chose a virtual unknown persona who promised “hope and change” and to “fundamentally transform” America. And true to his word, America has undergone the most dramatic social and moral transformation that anyone could have possibly imagined could have been achieved in such a short span of time.  The open expression of Christendom has been blatantly and virtually made vulgar and repulsive by the current U.S Administration from the military, through the religious-based businesses, to the government schools’ bathrooms.  All of the while there has been deliberate silence from the majority of American people. The measures that have been imposed upon the American people by the U.S government such as, redefining “marriage” to include same sex people, the forced inclusion of contraception pills in medical benefits of private businesses, and the liberation of transgender individuals into gender specific bathrooms would have been strongly and demonstratively rebuffed by the American people of some 40 years ago.  Today, too many Americans praise the Lord on Sunday and consciously deny and or ignore His tenets during the rest of the week.  For a nation that was purposefully established on Judeo-Christian principles one would not know that looking at was happening on its streets today.

So the U.S voters find themselves today faced with choosing one of the two presumptive winners of the dominant political Parties, Democrat and Republican, who are both amoralist, whose principles are on the moon, and have exhibited little or no bounds of conscious in order to get what they wanted.  And who would be better suited for a drama TV show than the Presidency of the United States. Neither holds the Constitution as anything more than a minor nuisance.

In the presumptive Republican nominee, Donald Trump, we have someone who openly stated that he has NEVER saw a need to ask for forgiveness, i.e., to repent.  Even though just a passive view of his past shows instances when he has attempted to have an old lady evicted from her home, in order to build a car garage.  He has gone to Ireland to attempt to have people removed from their homes by force, so that he could build a golf course. So long as there can be a dollar made, he sees nothing wrong in his actions, even if it’s via the police powers of the government.  It has been exhibited during his run for the Office his propensity to stretch the truth would make Pinocchio blush.  And his grotesque narcissistic personality leaves little room for humility nor grace– as though this nation hasn’t had enough of this type of person these past 7 years.

And as for the presumptive Democrat nominee, Hillary Clinton, from the start of her political existence she has left a trail of torched Commandments, in particular the one referring to baring false witness.  Truth can be no greater stranger to this lady if it were never created such a word.  Mrs. Clinton blatantly lied to the U.S Senate regarding the whereabouts of the Rose Law Firm’s documents during the 1996 Whitewater investigation  She lied to the parents and family members of those slain during an attack on the U.S Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, as well as to the American people, when she perpetrated the fraudulent tale of the assault and unrest throughout the Mid-East during that time was all due to an obscure video on You-Tube – as though people in the Mid-East set around watching You-Tube all day. And let’s not forget that she is currently under investigation for lying about having a private email server while she was the nation’s Secretary of State.  If she were to become the president, she would be the first to be under federal investigation as she takes to the oath to faithfully enforce the laws of the nation.  But hey, what truly matters is that my guy or gal wins.  Right?

Back in 2011, the New York Times had an opinion article, If It Feels Right. It referred to a ’08 study of some 240 youths, between 18-24 y/o, 2 out of 3 could not describe a moral dilemma. And outside of extreme cases of murder and rape, the youths had no concept of morality.  These are the people who are driving the political and social movement today.  And with scant push back by those 40 y/o and up along with those grounded in social and moral absolutism that is more identifiable to the founding principles of this great nation the future for us remaining free and prosperous is very bleak.

Lets not blame the politicians for being who and what they are.  The magnifying glass needs to be aimed at those who put them into office and allow them to behave without bounds.  When one sees a child utterly misbehaving and ill-mannered you don’t necessarily solely condemn the child without also looking at the parents.  Thomas Jefferson’s prophetic plea for us to be eternally vigilant over the government has been long dispatched to the waste can.  Too many Americans can better recite the members of the Championship Chicago Bulls Basketball Team than can name 6 Founding Fathers.  So today we have politicians and those seeking the highest public office in the nation openingly demonstrating severe absence of moral integrity and ethical restraints with impunity.  This can only be the result of a voting populous, and the society as a whole, whose moral integrity have been greatly compromised.

I do not mean to imply the nation’s moral decay started in 2008.  But the moral decay certainly produced it’s outcome. History tell us that there is a life cycle for empires. America’s age of moral decline can be measured by the decline in religious affiliation, particularly amongst the nation’s youth and those under 40 y/o.  According to a Pew Research Study, since 2007 those who describe themselves as not belonging to any religious philosophy[the unaffiliated] has jumped to nearly 20%.  Over 80% of them are not seeking religious guidance. Nearly 50% of the “unaffiliated” are under the age of 40.  What maybe most interesting, more of the “unaffiliated” lean heavily democrat.  The disconnection from religion has been growing since the 1970’s, but has accelerated in recent years.  If the people of America become amoral, how can we be expected to care if those who are elected seek Devine guidance? And if the people rejects the tenets of the Judeo-Christian principles that have made the nation the shinning light on the hill for the world, how can we be expected to remain such? We cannot. As Tocqueville realized, “I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors, her ample rivers, and it was not there. I sought for it in the fertile fields, and boundless prairies, and it was not there. I sought it in her rich mines, and vast world commerce, and it was not there. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power.”

At the end, it is we the people who choses if America shall be good.

Silencing Christians

The Radical Gay Rights Contagion That Is Gripping America & The Western World, Is Due to Politics, Not Principles.

Silencing Christians

Silencing Christians

Question; how can a segment of the nation’s population of less than 4% dominate the political and social course?   That is the question that should cause everyone in America to pause at the astonishing success that the radical Gay Rights Movement have accumulated over the past 4 to 7 plus years.  There is scant argument from any educated-inclined person that America was founded on Judeo-Christian principles and beliefs. That the majority of the great men who founded the nation were believers in a Supreme Being, God.  And that the first book of education in the nation was the Bible. Founder John Adams prophetically said, “The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God..” But one would not recognize any evidence of this after witnessing the action of the State of Georgia’s Governor, who is said to be a Christian, publicly denounce the teachings of the Bible against homosexuality.

The rash of the public rejection and marginalization of the tenets of Christendom by the public officials of cities, towns, and States across the nation is undoubtedly causing the Founders to scream WTF!  It is probably most astonishing to see this happening in the “Bible Belt” of the south.  Georgia’s Republican Governor Nathan Deal announced that he intended to veto a bill that essentially codified a Citizen of the States’ right to practice his or her religious faith without fear of being sued, interestingly, in particularly the clergy and ministers.  The Bill did not refer to gays, lesbians, homosexuals, nor anything similar.  But that did not matter to the radical left or their accomplices. After a flood of mis and dis-information in the Media by proponents of the radical LGBT [Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender] agenda, following the passage of House Bill 757 by the Republican dominate legislature, promising that the State’s economy would literally disintegrate if the bill was to become law and that big companies would forgo the economic benefits of the State in order to stand in public solidarity of the homosexual lifestyle’s imposition on the Christian-faith population majority.  This decision coming most ironically days after Easter weekend.

Governor Deal in his veto announcement oddly stated, I do not think we have to discriminate against anyone to protect the faith-based community in Georgia.”  He stated that he was aware of the Supreme Court decision to redefine “marriage” to no longer be strictly that of one man and one woman, but to include that of same-sex persons.  He also admitted that he was aware of businesses being forced by the courts to accommodate the homosexual lifestyle at the expense of their religious beliefs.  But, what was most glaring was the omission of any wording such as, my Biblical teachings are clear regarding homosexuality, as well as the majority of the Citizens of the State.  Though as Governor I am rejecting this bill due to the lack of need for it today in this State. I will though rigorously enforce the Laws regarding freedom of religious conscience for any and every one.  Nope.  That would have been too much like right.  All of the red meat was given to those who seek to drive free expression and exercise of faith, particular Christianity, out of the public square. In truth, it is the people of the Christian faith who are already being discriminated against.  I have not heard of any gay or lesbian business being force to place a cross in their establishment nor make it unpopular for them not watch a man and a woman kiss.

This public surrendering of Christian tenets is occurring throughout the nation, in the south in particular, like Sherman through Atlanta. One would ignorantly believe that gays and lesbians make up a large segment of the population.  If they were to actually believe what they see and hear via the Media.  The LGBT community do not even make up 4% of the nation population, according to a 2015 Gallop Poll. It is not them who are being persecuted and discriminated against.  But it is those of the Christian faith community.  According to the popular Media, it is Christians, and those who believe in Judeo-Christian principles, who are in the minority.  Christians are having to publicly denounce, suppress, and or re-orchestrate views of their Christian faith like in no time in recent American history.  Similar to Peter’s rejection of his knowledge of the Christ.  In North Carolina, the legislature, in special session, had to pass a law, HB2, preventing counties and cities from transgenderizing public facilities. Basically stating that only males or female, as such as they were when they were born, can use such stated publicly funded bathrooms and changing facilities. In fact, there are nearly 21 States that have had to specifically right into law to protect Citizens from burdensome government intrusion regarding their free exercise of religion.  As though it is not already affirmed in their States’ Constitution, and that of the Federal Constitution as well.  But the abolishment of the open and free expression and exercise of Christianity is spreading throughout the former capitals of Christendom.  Even Ireland, with its huge population of proclaimed Catholics, had to capitulate from its long-held religious principles, and legalize same-sex marriage.

But why now in America?  Over the past 7 years the radical gay movement has spread like wild-fire over dry timbers in America. Can anyone recall prior to 2008 that there was any sound of injustice or rampant discrimination towards the LGBT community? Is it just because for the first time a sitting U.S President has publicly endorsed the LGBT lifestyle? Yes!  Interesting that Mr. O did that in his second term, not his first. Huumm!!  But as in most things political, there is an economic component.  Besides the political Progressive’s long desire to eradicate Christianity from public view that started with the abolishment of prayer from government schools and the Court’s ruling for the so-called “Separation of Church and State”, one would be foolish to ignore the huge windfall the government stands to receive by the government’s recognition of same-sex unions.  Members of the gay and lesbian community earn more than their heterosexual counterparts, according to a 2012 CNN-Money report.  Just in New York alone in a 2011 Bloomberg Business report stated, “New York may reap $310 million over the next three years from license fees, taxes, and tourism related to same-sex weddings.”  And that was before same-sex marriage was legalized nationwide.  And all of the extreme social unrest and disturbance with the mass propaganda surrounding the popularity and success of the gay rights movement works to achieve another aim of the political extreme left, that is to destabilize the nation to move us off our traditional values and customs associated with Christendom that has made us the marvel of the world.

But if further evidence of how the so-called today’s Gay Rights Movement has nothing to do with “rights” nor principles, particularly regarding the government’s actions, notice how little action or reaction is given by the government in its relations with nations who repress, suppress, or strictly forbid homosexual activity-such as China, Russia, and African/Mid-East nations.  The same big companies who demonstratively put up so much of a public show of indignation for States such as Georgia and North Carolina and threaten them with economic Armageddon, are eerily silent when it comes to their business relationships with nations with blatant anti-homosexual position. In dealing with nations who sentences homosexuals even to death, these same businesses act like the 3 monkeys – they hear nothing; they see nothing; & they say nothing. The big money brokers that are funding this chaos, such as the ACLU[American Civil Liberties Union] and the George Soros-funded Open Society Foundation, are not going to mess up their money like that. It’s not that serious to them.

Unlike during South African apartheid in the ’90’s when American companies, based on true principle, and public demand, abstained from doing business with the nation and the U.S government imposed sanctions; today in the case of the radical Gay Rights Movement it is not about principles, but strictly politics. The federal government and politicians didn’t have a come-to-Jesus moment some 8 years ago to realize that homosexuality should be equal to heterosexuality both politically and socially, or that they were being persecuted. The LGBT community is economically the envy of all but the that of the elderly.  And the extremist in the LGBT movement didn’t all of the sudden become Julia Roberts in “The Pretty Woman” who actually gets to marry the trillionaire [the government], with all of the perks and privileges.  It’s a marriage of convenience. It is to increase the coffers of a cash-strapped government, both local and national, and to cripple and greatly dilute Christianity’s influence in the American culture and society. Period!

At the end of the day, the silent majority decides what kind of nation we have.