What If Obama Was White?

On the eve of the election of United States’ first truly African-American president many Americans and U.S citizens anxiously anticipated a new day for the nation. A more prosperous nation. A nation that was more respected around the world. A more unified nation. But at the least, a happier nation.  A change for the best of our nation.20121107_HP_OBAMA-slide-ZGN6-articleLarge

But as I look around my nation I see the fading shadows of great promise and expectations vanishing to the harsh glaring light. We no longer have the expectations of being exceptional nor of a prosperous future. The nation is more ethnically, socially, sexually, and economically divided. We are morally destitute. We are less wealthy as a nation and the government of the United States is spending money like it has a printing press. Oops! It does have a printing press. America’s traditional friends no longer trust the motives or intentions of the U.S government while our nation’s enemies grow more brazen and threatening in our current prostituted state. What’s most troubling is that while Rome burns all around Caesar Obama seems to be unscathed – clean of any blame by many Americans or citizens of the United States. The Establishment Media dares not speak any ill of him. And many citizens see the nation’s demise as systemic to our construction – free-market oriented and constitutionally based- rather than the fault of the policies of the head of the government, i.e., Mr. O, as they have in the past. He’s the first Teflon President.

A very good argument can be, and has been, made that Mr. O, enabled by the Establishment Media, has used the color of his skin like Thor’s hammer to beat and intimidate his opponents into submission. But let’s imagine if Mr. O was White. We have experienced the Carter and Clinton presidencies. Carter’s name is still mud to many Americans due to the economic carnage that he unleashed upon the nation. And Clinton will go down in history as the president who was impeached and disbarred, supposedly, for not being able to keep his pants up and lying under oath to the American people.

But if Barry – Obama’s birth name – was White, first he would not have received the Nobel Peace Prize barely 5 days into his presidency. [ Just an aside question, if Barry’s birth name was Barry, why did the Birth Certificate presented to us have Barack? I’m just asking.]  I mean Jimmy at least is credited for bringing Egypt and Israel together in peace. We all remember President G.H Bush’s promise to not raise any new taxes – “read my lips”. That was just one fateful utterance that caused him his reelection. But, I don’t have enough fingers or toes to count the many unfulfilled promises of Mr. O. Here are just a few: He promised taxes on the middle-class would not go up under his presidency. Following an unprecedented spike in unemployment after the passage of his “stimulus” package, in which he’d promised employment wouldn’t rise above 7% if it was passed, he promised he would “focus like a laser beam” on the economy to grow jobs. Oops! There goes his reelection hopes. Right?  And he promised that Obama-care if passed would reduce the cost of healthcare, reduce the government’s debt, and not cause anyone to lose their choice of doctors or current coverage. How is that promise working for ya America eh? But let’s not call him out on these such issues because it may be deemed “racist”.

Under Mr. O’s regime there has been a considerable increase on Black on White violence that has received noticeably less vigorous attention from this Administration and it’s Justice Department.  The government’s top cop, Attorney General Eric Holder, made it clear that he would not treat Black on White crimes equally under the law.  And though Mr. O can stop the world from moving in order to involve himself in crime issues when Blacks may be the victim such as the Trayvon Martin case, but in cases when so-called “flash mobs” of primarily young Blacks reek havoc even in his adopted home town of Chicago or even when horrific Black on White violence hits national and international papers, like in the cases of a WWII vet being beaten with flash lights by a couple of Black youths or that of a Australian baseball player killed by  a Black youth just because he was said to been bored, he’s silent and most uninvolved.  But neither of these will be tried as “hate crimes”?  I find it most ironic that the man that’s the head of the party that created the Klan and lynched and terrorized Blacks for generations, who is himself Black, today turns deaf and mute on matters regarding Blacks violently attacking Whites.  And the Media dares to say anything in fear of being called racist and insensitive to Blacks.

As he unmercifully uses all resources of the federal government to bludgeon any city or State that attempts to protect its citizens from the flood of illegal immigrants, particularly those from Mexico, and enforce actual federal immigration and voter laws he’s curiously uninterested in matters of cities and States blatantly breaking federal laws that favor illegal immigrants such as creating sanctuary jurisdictions, such as California and Chicago and San Francisco. As he moves heaven and earth to bestow an abundance of warm kisses with tongue and hugs to the illegal Mexican community, the community for which he got into the dance with, the American-Black community, has been relegated to waiting at the table next to bathroom. The American-Black community has seen its household income drop, standard of living drop, and unemployment rates rise under the regime of supposedly one of their own. I guess 95% plus voting output isn’t valued as much as it once was. At least when Blacks voted nearly 100% Republican up until 1965 we at least got positive results such as the abolishment of slavery, passage of the Civil Rights Acts, and the outlawing of Jim Crow laws in the South. But never mind those were done by mean White men.

Barry has piled on more regulations and debt on the backs of the American people in a time of economic depression that would make Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt blush in embarrassment and envious of his success in imposing their anti-prosperous Keynesian Economic principles. This stunningly remarkable feat is being done as Mr. O imitates Sybil and blames the government for the nation’s historic economic ills. Shh…maybe someone should quietly remind Barry that as president…he is the government. When Eisenhower was president he famously stated, “the buck stops here”. He took full responsibility for everything under his presidency. With Mr. O, the buck is exhausted from the lack of rest. But, it’s okay because it’s the fault the White power structure that is not allowing him to make America prosperous. Right? America is failing after some 200 plus years of world economic dominance because our system of free enterprise doesn’t work but only for the wealthy and White people. Right?

But maybe the most important question to ponder is if Barry was not Black but White, would a more critical eye be placed on him by the populace and the Media due to his intimate relations with some of the most extreme leftist and Communist individuals, such as Saul Alinsky, 1960’s extreme leftist organizer, Frank Marshall, a devoted Marxist/Communist who was on the FBI’s Most Wanted List, and his own brother who has prominent ties to the terrorist group the Muslim Brotherhood? Some may began question the true motivations of many, if not all, of Mr. O’s motives and actions in the Middle East, particular regarding Egypt, Libya, and now Syria, that has benefited the radical Islamist sec. I know that Jimmy got a couple of military men killed during the raid to rescue the Americans at the embassy in Iran and Reagan got a couple hundred Marines killed in Lebanon. But, Barry has set with what used to be a rather tranquil area of the world a blazed with no noticeable intent to make it more favorable to America’s national or international interest on the side of people so extreme that they where feared by most Arab nations, such as Egypt, Libya, Iran, and Syria. And barely a peep is heard in questioning this man who sits in the most powerful position in the world because no one wants to dare be called or viewed “racist”.  Simply insane!

It is said that, that which is true in the light, so shall it be in the darkness.  But, we must first seek truth in ourselves and then seek it from others.  We can not be afraid to question with boldness the intentions and motives of those who lead.  At the end of the day, it comes down to the responsibility of the citizenry to be eternally vigilant over those in the position of political power and measure them on their actions and content of their character, not what they say, how good they may say it, nor the color of their skin in which they say it.  Mr. O rose to his position promising change. But from what, to what, and more importantly why? His mentor Saul Alinsky said of change,Change is brought about through relentless agitation and “trouble making” of a kind that radically disrupts society as it is.” View his actions. Can we truly say that his kind of change was what this nation needed? Can the nation rebuild after his carnage?

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America Has Morally Gone Astray. The Founders Warned Us.

Recently CNN reported that in a Gallop Poll that an astonishing 77% of Americans believe that religion in the country is losing influence. But yet at the same time 75% say that the country would be better if we were more religious. Confused? Reviewing the 2012 Presidential election results though the Southern Baptist are the second largest religious denomination in America bolstering over 16 million members, according to the Hartford Institute for Religion Research, it’s political influences were inefficacious at best with an estimated more than 3 million Republican voters staying home. In a Pew Research article on religion and public life reported that amongst Christian evangelicals, 82% say evangelicals are losing influence in the United States today”. Interestingly though 71% of evangelicals in South America believe things are to be stronger there in 5 years.

There is something not quite right in America when so many recognize that we are lacking moral guidance, desire more moral guidance, our nation was founded on Christian moral principles, we have prospered immensely due to adherence to those principles for over 200 years, but yet by many of our actions and nearly 100% of Christian evangelicals believe that those very principles are no longer desired and are on their death beds in this nation, yet are flourishing in nations just to the south of us.

The issue goes far beyond political affiliation, but to the very foundation of our nation’s view of morality and our attachment to our founding religious principles and identity that has served and guided us to be the most free, prosperous, and influential nation for over 200 years. And questions whether we can seriously remain so for another 200 years. In a December 2012 New York Times report, The Decline of Evangelical America, as in all of the reports and articles that I have read on the subject, it all goes back to the societal conversion away from our nation’s traditional moral values and principles. And it all starts with the influence of the youngest amongst us. And who or what most influences them, whether it is the church, their parents, or the government..

Our nation’s moral decadence is startlingly visible in many ways, such as the explosion in unwed child births, the fact that we have more citizens incarcerated then Communist China, the fractionalization and marginalization of the traditional American family, the repeated election of so many severely morally and ethically challenged politicians, the increasing social vulgarity and incivility, and the blazing denigration of the value of self-subsistence and self-responsibility as more Americans are existing off of the federal government and the unprecedented growth in the entitlement mentality culture or me-ism. With so many societal transformations occurring in the nation such as, the redefining of marriage by the government to include those of the same sex, the redefining of what religion actually is, redefining of the U.S government and the American citizen relationship, and the literal banishment of the Bible and Christendom from government schools and significant public interface, to even include today the military, traditional religious values seem to be on the expedient decline. And so too the decline of America as a whole. But, these tragic consequences can come as a surprise to only those who are absent the knowledge of our Founder’s prophetic warnings and the history of the fight to keep the nation’s Christian heritage and principles as the pillars of our society as they were intended.

Lets review what the nation’s first President, George Washington, warned if we strayed from our moral principles, “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness – these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens. The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them. A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity. Let it simply be asked, Where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice? And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”

As for the ridiculous notion that we are not a Christian nation, as Mr. Obama so vociferously alluded to while he stood in Turkey after he first got anointed,the 1892 supreme court settled that question in the case of the Holy Trinity Church vs the United States stated, “these and many other matters which might be noticed, add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a christian nation.”Not to mention the shear girth of other historical supportive evidence such as, 56 of the signers of the Declaration of Independence had degrees from Bible schools, wrote religious books, and some went on to open Bible organizations. Ben Franklin once said, that he believe in ‘one God, Creator of the Universe,.’ God governed this universe by his Providence. As such he ought to be worshiped and the worship most acceptable to Him was in doing good to others.”

Regarding the relevance of Christianity to our nation, in the New York State Supreme Court case of 1811, People vs. Ruggles, stated, That whatever strikes at the root of Christianity, tends manifestly to the dissolution of civil government.”Founder John Adams said, The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God.”

The Founders clearly viewed the connection between the survival of the republic and Biblical principles as indispensable. They believed that though the federal government should not be a theocracy, or as the First Amendment clearly forbids in stating that, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion”, they clearly believed that for this nation to be great and to remain great the principles of the Bible had to be the nation’s foundation. Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story believed the Bible’s moral principles should be the foundation of education in the nation, Why may not the Bible, and especially the New Testament, without note or comment, be read and taught as a Divine Revelation in the [school] – its general precepts expounded, its evidences explained and its glorious principles of morality inculcated? Where can the purest principles of morality be learned so clearly or so perfectly as from the New Testament?” In fact, the nation’s first and most successful text book of the 18thcentury The New England Primer was the first reading primer designed for the American Colonies. It became the most successful educational textbook published in the 18th century and was used up until the 1930’s. It had in it the alphabet, vowels, consonants, alphabetical assistants, acronyms, catechisms, and 90 pages of Christian religious maxims and moral lessons that included the Lord’s Prayer.

Despite today’s popular notion that the Founders believed in a separation of church, particularly Christian, and the government, such advancement is simply without evidence and groundless-until recently generations at least. In fact as early as 1853 a petition was sent to Congress demanding separation of Christian principles and the government. After a year of investigation by the Congress it said, “Had the people (Founding Fathers) during the Revolution, had a suspicion of any attempts to war against Christianity, that Revolution would have been strangled in its cradle.  At the time of the adoption of the Constitution and the Amendments, the universal sentiment was that Christianity should be encouraged, but not any one (denomination)…In this age, there is no substitute for Christianity…That was the religion of the founders of the republic, and they expected it to remain the religion of their descendants.”

Here are a couple of notes that may have you go huummmm: the two most social transforming Supreme Court decisions regarding religion, 1947 ENGEL v VITALE and marriage, 2013 HOLLINGSWORTH v PERRY, neither used precedence for the decisions to completely redefine the long-standing meanings of words in the public.  But instead chose to set precedence out of thin air; and in the 1980 Supreme Court case STONE v. GRAHAM, the court’s decision to outlaw the posting of the Ten Commandments in government schools stated, If the posted copies of the Ten Commandments are to have any effect at all, it will be to induce the schoolchildren to read, meditate upon, perhaps to venerate and obey, the Commandments.”

The Founders clearly knew the dangers to the republic’s posterity if we failed to apply a high Christian and moral test to the young and maybe even more importantly to our chosen leaders for the nation’s continued prosperity. Founder Benjamin Rush said. Contemplating merely the political institutions of the United States, I lament that we waste so much time and money in punishing crimes and take so little pains to prevent them. We profess to be republicans, and yet we neglect the only means of establishing and perpetuating our republican forms of government; that is, the universal education of our youth in the principles of Christianity by means of the Bible; for this divine book, above all others, favors that equality among mankind, that respect for just laws, and all those sober and frugal virtues which constitute the soul of republicanism.”;Founder John Jay, author of the Federalist Papers and first Justice of the Supreme Court, stated that, Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.”;and again George Washington warned in his famous 1789 Inaugural address, The propitious smiles of heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregard the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained.”

There are 3 pillars of influences that were to make up our prosperous and free society – the family, the church, and the government. As we may bicker over the order of the first two, the role of government was meant to be the very least of them.  We  can attempt consciously to dismiss the prophetic words of the Founders as just ramblings of old gray-haired White guys of years far gone by.  But history has taught us lessons of the consequences of a grossly politically inattentive and ignorant populous, a morally vacant societal culture, and an ever imposing government. As too it has shown evidence of how prosperous a nation can be over 200 years when guided by Divine Providence. But at last, it is up for us to choose which future it is that we wish to have.

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Another Black-American Youth Is Dead: Why Is Obama and the Democrats Getting A Pass On The Critical State Of American Blacks And The Economy By The Establishment Media?

With all of the dust that is being kicked up over the death of a young male by a neighborhood watchman in Stanford, Fla. by the Establishment Media, Congressmen, entertainment and sport celebrities, and even the president of the United States, one would think this youth’s death was the most egregious mis-carrage of justice, as well as an event so singularity tragic to warrant such extreme focus and attention. Is it mainly because the dead male youth was Black? One would think that the plight of the Black American youths was the primary focus of the federal government led by the first truly African-American. One would think that the economic environment of the nation was a primary focus of the Administration to help create fertile grounds to grow the youths of the nation, particularly Blacks, to be economically vibrant and healthy via the expansion of the private business industry and the replacement of a tried and failed government educational system with one that produces students who are actually equipped to be producers, not just consumers. And one would think that it has forever been the Democratic Party who has been on point with all of these issues to empower and the betterment of Black-Americans, and therefore the betterment of the nation as a whole. But, one would be so wrong.

Martin Luther King, Jr. said once, “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” As I look around the country, listen to what is said by the politicians, particularly the Democrats, and I see what is being fed to us by the Establishment Media and the Entertainment Industry, I can only fear for the psyche of my nation. Because as my mom used to say, “There’s something in the milk that ain’t clean.”

Is Trayvon Martin the only youth killed by another man in America? No! Is Trayvon the only Black-American youth killed by someone of another ethnicity? No! Is the senseless and tragic death of Trayvon the most important issue facing America today? NO! But, to the intellectually initiated the fact that Trayvon’s death is being blown up to be front page news from the president to the school janitor is the bigger and more relevant question.

While the nation is spiraling down the economic rabbit hole with over approximately $31 Trillion in true federal government debt, members of the middle-class are nearly $4,000 lighter in the wallet, over 8 Million jobs have literally vanished, and nearly a million fewer Americans have permanent jobs through just Mr. O’s first term, there’s been barely a peep heard throughout the nation. Under the much herald anointment of the United States’ first actual African-American president a very good argument can be made that the plight of the Black-American community hasn’t become any brighter, if not in fact it has become even darker. According to Bloomberg 9/12 Article, Black-American unemployment has jumped to over 14%[officially], from 12.7% in ’09; and Black-American median annual households’ income has dropped to 11.1%, and that’s on top of the fact of the 30% total net worth lost between 2004 to 2010. Also lets not dare talk about the six thousand ton gorilla in the crystal room, that nearly 75% of Black-American children are born to single moms. Couple this with reports that just 47% of Americans have a full-time job and with the impending regulations of Obamacare, a whopping 74% of small businesses intend to either fire workers or cut full-timers to part-timers spells even more extreme challenges for young Blacks, and for America.

Ignorance is only bliss if one does not know of their alternatives. Recent reports state that the American government educational system is falling further and further behind the rest of the world. At the turn of the century American students in grades 1 thru 12 were the crème de la crème of education in the world. Today American students rank 25th in math, 17th in science and 14th in reading, according to a 7/12 Huffington Post Article. And as for young Blacks in America, particularly males, the news is even more troubling. A 9/12 Huffington Post Article reported that, “more than half the young black men who graduated high school in 2010 earned their diploma in four years”“At this rate it would take nearly 50 years for black males to graduate at the same rate as white males”. Coupled with the fact that a 2012 American Council on Education Fall Report stated that there was over 800,000 Black-American men are incarcerated indicates that there are factors that have created an environment of mistrust, fear, desperation, and anger amongst young Black men and all Americans. Not that I’m attempting to offer an excuse for what led up to what happens to someone like Trayvon, but nothing happens in a vacuum.  Negative input usually produces negative output.

And what’s Mr. O’s stated solution to prevent more Trayvon-like deaths…..more gun control. Surprise! Never mind that in his stated hometown of Chicago, there were more than 500 murders last year [of the 443 gun-related deaths, 65 were 18 y/o or under] in a state with one of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation.

Aristotle said once, “The least initial deviation from the truth is multiplied later a thousand fold”. The Democrat Party as a whole, with the complicity of the Establishment Media and public acquiescence of too many Republicans, have been able to repeatedly regurgitate a grossly perverted facade that it has been the white knight for the Black community that has scant relationship to truth, fact, or reality. Lets not forget that the signer of the 1964 Civil Rights Bill, President Lyndon Johnson, did so with much reluctance and not with a gracious heart when was quoted as saying, “I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” He was also the signer of many laws under the so-called “Great Society” that prohibited the man from living under the same roof with his children and woman if the woman was receiving government assistance; The 1875 Civil Rights Act was passed with 92% Republican support and 100% Democrat opposition; In 1871 the Republican-led Congress enacted the Ku Klux Klan Act, outlawing Democratic Party-affiliated terrorist groups which oppressed African-Americans; and these are just a very small sample of the severe injustices that has been inflected on the American Blacks by the Democratic Party since it’s inception. It is even with great irony that with reports of the Mr. O’s Department of Justice aiding to “foment unrest” in the wake of Trayvon’s death, not to quill it, as reported by Judicial Watch, since the D.O.J was established in 1870 under a Republican Congress to ensure the civil rights of Black-Americans against Democrats in the south. And though Martin Luther King is celebrated as the poster child of Democrat and Black-American unionization, he was a staunch Republican, as most Blacks were pre-Kennedy, and backed Eisenhower’s presidency. But, lets not let historical references and facts get in the way of an opportunity to divide a nation, eh. Shhh!…History doesn’t mean anything. The Democrats are much different today. A leopard can truly change it’s spots. Right?.

Any killing of a young person is tragic regardless of their ethnicity. But there are instances of Black on Black killings, Black on White killings, Latino on Black killings, and other ethnic or demographic groups killing another nearly every second in this nation that if given half of the coverage and whipped up emotional fury that Trayvon’s death has and with a truly blind justice system, an ethical Executive Branch and government, with a moral and truthful Media, and a politically literate and engaged populace, we may start to get some true and honest resolution and healing. But it can not happen if the majority of this nation’s citizens chose to be entertained rather than educated, takes presentation over substance, sees truth as a burdensome inconvenience, or willfully accepts ignorance, no matter how innocent, and stupidity, simply due to the unwillingness to question with boldness the intent and motives of their government and hold it accountable for it’s actions.

Will Obama Be Remembered As The Man To Finally End America As We Have Known It?

I read two of the most bizarre and troubling stories that I actually found myself stopping, shutting my eyes tightly, and reopening them just to be sure of what I was reading and seeing was true and that it wasn’t in the satire part of the paper. But, unfortunately it was not. One story was from the EU Times reporting that the Obama Administration at the June 25th, 17th Joint U.S.-Russia Cooperation Committee on Emergency Situations entered into a pact giving Russian troops authorization to “aid” in securing “mass events”, such as the Super Bowl, even presidential inaugurations, and major disasters within the United States. The EU Times also reports that during the last month the Administration “requested at least 15,000 Russian troops trained in disaster relief and “crowd functions” [i.e. riot control] be pre-positioned to respond to FEMA Region III during an unspecified “upcoming” disaster.” Oh by the way, the FEMA Region 3 includes the District of Columbia. This is like something from the movie “Red Dawn”, except this is actually real.

But, doesn’t Obama’s reign as the President of the United States seem like a bad movie regarding America? I’m hard pressed to ever hear of someone being elected U.S President who has shown such egregious favor to principles, ideals, and beliefs that are so intellectually repugnant to that of America and the American people. The fact that such a man could be elected not once, but twice by the American people will go down in history as the biggest W.T.F moment ever. It too is the surest indication that the majority of the American people have been thoroughly conditioned to take style over substance even in the most serious of matters. No other president has made it his personal mission to “fundamentally change” our nation’s societal integrity as Mr. O has despite coming into office while the nation is hurting from the worst economic depression since ’29, is sharply declining in academic rankings amongst other industrialized nations, and with Communist China growing to be a serious threat not just economically, but militarily. The one gleaming, and equally unreported, news is that America is extremely rich in natural energy resources. According to Energy for America.Org, “The amount of oil that is technically recoverable in the United States is more than 1.4 trillion barrels, with the largest deposits located offshore, in portions of Alaska, and in shale in the Rocky Mountain West….Total supplies of natural gas in North America dwarf those of other countries…North American recoverable coal could provide enough electricity for the United States for about 500 years at current levels of consumption”. Don’t tell me, you are surprised to hear this if you listen to Mr. O’s verbal assault on oil and coal in this country.

This is just a sample of Mr. O’s Administration’s dubious reign- thus far:

  • Obama-care and the Dodd-Frank Act will saddle America and U. S citizens with Trillions of debt for DECADES. Obama-care is estimated to cost $26 Trillion in just the first decade alone.
  • He has added more debt in his first 4 years to the federal government than all of the previous presidents…combined. And he has put the federal government on a financial path that Fed Chairman Bernanke called, “unsustainable trajectories of deficits and debt…because creditors would never be willing to lend to a government with debt, relative to national income, that is rising without limit.” . As reported by Policymic.com, “While the official debt is sitting at $15.66 trillion, the additional amount of unfunded liabilities owed by the United States government is a mind-numbing $115.49 trillion, bringing the total debt level to $131 Trillion . But, let Mr. O tell it “the government doesn’t have a spending problem”. Right. Ever wonder why the government seems to be surrendering a lot of property and “gifts” to Red China?
  • Before the echoes of his first inauguration celebration could wane, he’s off apologizing for America’s past dominance to everyone and anyone he could get in front of – friend or foe. And he has made this a theme like no other president. He has most recently displayed his knack of apologizing and blaming America, for which he is supposed to represent and have sworn to protect, in Mexico this past May when he said, “that much of the root cause of violence that’s been happening here in Mexico, from which so many Mexicans have suffered, is the demand for illegal drugs in the United States” and that “we also recognize that most of the guns used to commit violence here in Mexico come from the United States.”
  • With a combination of his Keynesian Economic philosophy and extreme belief in wealth-redistribution, under the guise of “fairness”, governmental regulations, particularly on the energy industry, has been unmerciful and the number of Americans dependent on the government and unemployment has sky-rocketed.
  • Despite his fervent hollow claims of being a Christian and impartiality towards the Muslim religion,his actions speaks otherwise. He bans all unfavorable references to Islam. But, aren’t we supposed to be at “war” with extremists of that religion? And weren’t extremist individuals of that religion supposedly responsible for the September 11, 2011 attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center? And are they not fostering havoc all over the world in the name of that religion and consider us, Americans, infidels – non-believers – and that Christians and Muslims have been at religious philosophical odds since the 11th Century Crusades? I’m just asking.

The attempt to transform America into a common state of the world or bringing America’s living standard down has been an eternal work in progress since our nation’s creation. Former 1953 Ford Foundation President Horace Gaither, Jr said once “[The task is to] covertly lower the standard of living, the whole social structure, of America so that we can be merged with all other nations.” And it’s not unknown that history has witnessed great empires such as Ancient Rome implode due to societal degradation. The father of propaganda, Edward Bernays said, “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the [public] is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.” And in no other time with our obsession with intellectual frugality, severe aversion to political matters and self-responsibility, and the abject absence of our nation’s founding principles evidenced in the nation’s populace has America been so vulnerable to blindly presume in the good intentions of a president or government without true character and moral examination.  Too many of us have been lulled asleep by governmental paternalism.

America has been defined by its guidance of “Divine Providence”, not by man. It matters less the name of the man given blind allegiance and trust to stay within his Constitutional bounds or adhere to his oath to secure our blessings of liberty. But it is up to each of us to instinctively ensure that he does and to hold him viciously accountable when he does not. History shall only record how we surrendered our birth rite of freedom. Benjamin Franklin may have said it prophetically, A nation of well informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins”.

The Progressive’s Amnesty Bill Will Forever Shackle America To Serfdom As The World Witnesses In Stunned Astonishment

It seems inevitable that the U.S government will pass a reformation of the immigration laws of the nation that will open that nation’s gates to some of the poorest and most illiterate people in our hemisphere for two unstated reasons: 1) to increase the nation’s birthrate, and 2) to get cheap labor. This will drastically diminish the value of the once most cherished Citizenship – that of being an United States of American citizen – and saddling America’s posterity with second and third class citizenship.

In an era of “diversity”, “political correctness”, and “fairness” where everyone is to be equal and wealth and property is to be spread equally, and never a negative or bad word or thought is to ever be shown the light of day, what could be more fitting than the one nation that has set itself apart from its creation, as exceptional and the one place on earth where nation citizens could come to be free to inspire and reach their dreams, to have it degenerated to be just another nation at the table it is met with deafening silence.

In the last four-plus years we have been witness to a man coming literally out of nowhere with seemingly no recorded past of importance to the U.S voter to be placed in the seat of the presidency of the United States not once, but twice. The best medical system in the world, just by the very fact of the inherent freedom to innovate, have no ceiling on professional growth, and limited governmental interference with the relationship between patient and doctor with Obama-care has been total socialized. We have observed the explosion of homosexuality, and other alternative lifestyles, and religious secularism thrust to the forefront of U.S governmental domestic policy. The expansion of regulation and governmental burdens placed on America’s energy industry, particularly coal, and small business industry is unprecedented, especially at a time of such depressed economic growth. And now we stand on the possible verge of what may be the coup de gras, the U.S government’s granting approximately 40 plus Million illegal immigrant’s legal status and forgiveness for breaking our laws.

The reason that this presumed outcome of millions of illegal immigrants, particularly from Mexico, is so important is that it will lay naked for the whole world that the U.S government is willing and able to blatantly circumvent and obfuscate it’s own laws, manipulate and deceive the American people at all costs and no matter how severe the injury to the nation’s posterity or prosperity. But, it does too reveal that there is another supreme motivation and influence that is steering the Congress of the United States other than the wishes of the American people.

Here are some cases in point to try to wrap your heads around. In 2010 then Fla. Senate Candidate Marco Rubio in a CNN debate stated, “that illegal aliens inside the United States would need to go home and that giving illegal aliens ‘an earned path to citizenship,’... was nothing more than a “code for amnesty.” And he went on to say, “and the reality of it is this: This has to do with the bottom line that America cannot be the only country in the world that does not enforce its immigration laws. It is unfair to the people that have legally entered this country to create an alternative pathway for individuals who entered illegally and knowingly did so.”“If you do that, you will never have a legal immigration system that works,”… “No one is going to follow the law if there is an easier way to do it.” Ironically now Fla. Senator Rubio is one of the eight members drafting legislation to do the very thing that he so rightly objected to. Did someone have a “one on one” with him after getting to D.C to sway his point of view?

Regardless of the much touted C.B.O [Congressional Budget Office] reporting the supposed economic benefits of those in the country illegally, it must be remembered that the report forecast is static – for simplified analysis wherein the effect of an immediate change to a system is calculated without respect to the longer term response of the system to that change. Such analysis typically produces poor correlation to empirical results.– and not dynamic – an attempt to take into account how the system is likely to respond to the change[Wikipedia].   So, any governmental report, such s the C.B.O report, will typically go on the unrealistic notion that everything will stay basically as it are today or planned to be as it is planned today without taking into account possible changes of facts such as the illegals, now legal, bringing over their family members like themselves, having babies, forever being wards of the state and existing off the local, State, and federal taxpayers due to their low education and or lack of ambition, and other likely issues and negative consequential expenses of blanketly legalizing the illegals as reported in the Washington Times.

Since Mr. O’s ascendency to the U.S presidency the Washington Times 10/2012 article reported that nearly 2 out of 3 jobs have gone to immigrants. The American worker is at an egregious disadvantage when competing with illegal Mexican immigrant according to Securities Mexico. The typical Mexican earnings in Mexico are less than $700 a month – less than $2300 for a corporate/ business mgr, and less $75 for the lowest skilled Mexican working in a field such as agriculture. Coupled with the fact that the people from Latin America do not have an issue with living together 10 plus people deep in a one room apartment to share expenses and stay in the country And with the low moral and ethical education being taught to today’s generation of Americans, dire times ahead are certain.

The real economic cost to America is going to be brutally staggering for generations to come. The Washington Times 6/10/13 article states that the cost of blanket amnesty will be around $5 Trillion for the lifetime of a legalized immigrant. In that same article it refers to the Heritage Foundation estimating the cost to be near $9 Trillion – including local, State, and federal government- over his lifetime. But these stated estimates are sand bagged at best. They are based on a severely ridiculous and illogical number of around 11 million illegals.  That was the same number given when G.W Bush was in office and the issue first hit the front pages nearly 10 years ago. Illegal Immigration Statistic.org states illegal immigrants currently are costing local, State, and federal taxpayers approximately $118 Billion annually based on 13 million illegals and their children – how many children per household? It doesn’t say. I lean more towards the approx. 25 million estimated illegals of immigration counters.org. And even that may be on the low side because being that they are illegally in the country, they are not exactly looking to be counted and they certainly haven’t stopped coming with all of the talk of giving them all a get out of jail free card with this over appeasing administration.

And to add the proverbial cherry on Mr. O’s America’s Decline Sundae, if the proposed amnesty bill should pass with it’s prohibition on the new legalized citizens not being illegible for federal benefits for 13 years, and with Obama-care already giving businesses a pass on the $3,000 penalty if the employee is an provisionally legal immigrant ”, as reported by Newsmax, it will give employers even more incentive to not hire an American citizen. And thereby also quicken the American citizen descent to 2ndor even 4thclass status in his own land. Unemployment will go off the chain for American youths,Americans  just entering the workforce, and those with low skills and low education.

It’s not just you and I who are screaming W.T.F! But observers all around the world are stunned and asking, “Why is this happening?” More importantly, how is this happening in America? Where is the opposition party, i.e., the Republican Party? The picture would appear less distorted if we all began to look at the picture in Washington less of Republican versus the Democrats, and more of the Conservatives versus the Progressives. This way we can start to see the picture as those being pro-sovereign America, pro-individualist, pro-traditional family, and pro-Constitutionalists, versus everything counter to those ideological positions. How else can one explain the vastly counter intuitive Republican positions of such so-called Republicans as Ariz. Sen. John McCain, S.C Sen. Lindsey Graham, Hse. Speaker John Boehner, and Fla. Sen. Mark Rubio? It is not about party affiliation, but ideology. Progressive ideology and that of the Democrats are nearly identical, but some members of the Republican party can be of the same yoke. That’s why Mr. O can get along with Republicans like Boehner and McCain and can get most of his legislation though the House, while Republican led legislation dies in the Democratically controlled Senate.

Just as one of the greatest Progressives, Teddy Roosevelt, said of the ruining of America,The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities.” We are systematically being divided into camps or squabbling interests – the camp of the elderly, the young, the Blacks, the Whites, those who want to be self-responsible and self-governed, those that want to be irresponsible for self and dependent on the government, the rich and poor, and those who love this nation’s traditional values, history, customs, and want America to prosper as the shining city on the hill, and those who care nothing about traditional American values, customs, history, and want to see America brought back into the darkness with every other nation.

The Progressives would have us believe that there is only the choice of whether we should cut our left foot off or to take the whole leg. But there are other options that could save both, but they won’t benefit their goal to forever cripple the patient. But, we as Americans can no long dwell in, what Martin Luther King, Jr. referred to as the most dangerous thing in the world, sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. It is up to each of us individually to be informed enough to know what is going on politically around us so we can make the most knowledgeable choices for ourselves and our nation. Not just for today, but for tomorrow…or else the shackles of servitude and dependency that today may fit comfortably about your wrist and ankles, will become painfully tighter tomorrow. Hola!