Did You Know That Negro Americans Invented This?…

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Baltimore's impoverished community

The Dilapidated Conditions Of Baltimore Are Repeated In Democrat-Run Cities Around the Nation

These impoverished and rat-infested communities did not become impoverished and rat-infested on their own. Drugs did not just start flooding the streets on their own. Parents, particularly the fathers, did not just abandon their families on their own. And investments just do not come to a community where a financial return can be gained. Conditions have to be purposely created. Once you kill the family, as did the changing of Title 5, and flood the streets with government “assistance”, you kill the community and the souls of those who dwell there. The handprints of the Democrat Party can be found on the necks of every black-American, or minority, community’s decaying corpse from the east coast to the west and from lake Michigan to the Mississippi River.

Why the Political Discussion of Black Slavery Reparations Is A Rabbit Hole That Again Distracts From Truth & Facts.

... if we are seeking to do the right thing to restore these victims of history’s past atrocity, those who perpetrated the heinous act needs to have the light of justice shined on them too, right? This should be done if for no other reason than to bring clarity to the picture as a whole.

Creeping Social Tyranny Is Envoge In America Today

Americans have the Constitutionally protected right to speak freely. But what if we began to self-monitor ourselves to not speak words that may be deemed unpopular, offensive, or politically incorrect? Pretty kewl, huh? Kinda like slaying the king in the womb before birth.
Trump v Obama

The Media Unabashedly Disrobes To Show It’s Left Bias In Treatment Of Trump Coverage v Obama

The American Establishment Media is more than shameful and heinously derelict in its duty to provide the people of America true, honest, and unbiased reporting, particularly when it comes to its political leaders. Jefferson is given credit for challenging the American people that eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.
black- americans -unemployment-line-job-fair

Black-Americans Being Given The Dirty End Of The Stick. Being Replaced By Illegal Central-American Immigrants, And They Seem To Like It.

The question that is going mostly unexamined by the Media is where are all of these people who are entering the country largely unprocessed, uneducated, and unskilled ending up once they get to Pass Go and collect $100 with a Get Out Of Jail Free Card? And maybe even more important, what segment of the legal domestic American population that is going to be most negatively affected by the unprecedented influx of these people? Even the most passive observer doesn’t have to search far for the answer. It is the one segment that votes robotically over 95% for the Democrat Party year after year after year – the black-American community.
Infant boy

When is murder not murder? When the human being is in the womb.

The way that it is framed – whether it is the birth mother’s right to choose whether or not she should give birth to her baby if she doesn’t want to; verses whether the baby in the womb should have it’s right to life once it is conceived, just as it would if it was a human being outside of the womb.
America being torn aprtPeter Nouhan

The Vanishing America

As I look around at today's America I see less and less of the America that I grew up in. I hear less and less of the language spoken by Americans than I did when I was growing up.

How is it that Socialism is spreading in America today?

How is it that Socialism is spreading in America today? The short answer, because many of them know not of what they speak. The government schools do not teach the difference between the social-economic systems of the world – capitalism, socialism, and communism. If you were born in America during or post the Ronald Reagan presidency you have not heard the virtues of American capitalism boldly spoken by the president of the United States unapologetically.

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• “A scrupulously bipartisan diagnosis of the sick state of American politics and governance . . . El devotes close attention to budget issues rarely accorded so much detail in garden-variety op-ed warfare. Sustaining his original thesis well beyond Internet-browsing attention span, El has crafted an angry but clear-sighted argument that may not sit well at family reunions or dinner parties, but deserves attention.”

– Publishers Weekly

• “Expect demand for this outside view of Washington, D.C., fascinating. . . . A pungent, penetrating outsider polemic.”

– Mary Carroll, Booklist

• “A well-argued call for more sanity in American politics.”

– Kirk’s Reviews

“Tony El’s ideas are trenchant and far-reaching. . . . With the feel of a long-repressed confession and the authority of an insider’s testimony, like the anti-war views of a decorated infantry officer . . . he writes about how the Republican party took advantage of a profoundly ignorant electorate, an easily conned and distracted media, and a cowed Democratic Party to press the ideological struggle in spite of the deep unpopularity of many of its positions.”

—George Packer, The New Yorker