
The Product of Decades of America-Dashing and the Marginalization and Degradation of the Superiority of Christendom Is Evident In the Spread of Extreme Islamic Radicalism

 “Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow.  No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.”  Winston Churchillintv-reza-aslan-the-appeal-of-isis-00032202-video-tease


Sir Churchill must be turning in his grave to witness the literal surrendering of the principles and culture of Christianity by the same countries that where once fierce stewards of the faith and whose very foundation and existence was once proclaimed, that of Europe and America, to the most extreme and radical tenets of Islam.
Radical foreign religious terrorism have reached the shores of America and Canada unimaginable some 10 or 20 yrs ago. But if one were to only listen to the American Establishment News Media you would not know of any reason to be alarmed. We have home-grown Americans so disenchanted, disillusioned, and who have out-right hatred for their own country, and all that it stands for, that they personally seek the destruction of it, as it was founded. Many even go to the point of traveling thousands of miles to join groups who are in open war with America, and Western culture, such as ISIS – the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.
This fall the Canadian Parliament building was attacked and had 2 of it soldiers mowed down by a radical Islamist. In September an Islamist convert beheaded and stabbed former co-workers in Oklahoma. Courts around the nation are being pressured to accept Sharia Law. Just last week Australia got a wake-up call when a radical Islamist held hostage a coffee shop and 13 customers. And what may be even more disturbing is that American youths and youths from the West are rushing to join the fight with ISIS against the American and Western forces in the Middle East.

Jesus21Just as radical Islam is on the rise in America, and in West as a whole, Christendom is under assault, from within our borders. During the traditional time of the year that Christianity is traditionally celebrated, signs of its celebration is being muffled and removed from public sight. The marginalization and minimization of Christendom has become common place in today’s America as the acceptance of religious secularism becomes en vogue.

But you can not have the degradation of Christendom without Americanism becoming under siege as well. Internationally and domestically the fundamental ideals of America is being turned on its head and inside out. From the outset of the reign of Barack Obama where he went around the world apologizing for Americas dominance he set the tune for aggressive America-Bashing and Anti-Americanism. And this has been like red meat for anyone has hence before kept their hatred for Americanism and Christendom in silence. They now feel emboldened and that they have the blessings of the President and are part of the “new norm”.pic_giant_021413_A
If you are a citizen of the West and you hear more and more that it is your religion, Christianity, that is the cause of all that is wrong with the world, with no genuine rebuttal because to do so would offend those who are making the claims, you may want to reject everything about that religion. If you were an American and you were being constantly bombarded with the messages it is America that is the source of all that is wrong with the world, from the President, your teachers, celebrities, to the Media, with no genuine rebuttal because to do so may be viewed as offensive to those making the accusations, you may want to make your mark on the world and do what you could to be on the side of the “good guys”.
The battle against radical Islam is a battle over ideology and theology – just as it has been since the days of the Crusades or when President Jefferson dispatch the Marines to squash radical Islam. The difference today is that the leaders of once Christian-dominated nations have become morally bankrupt and have lost their integrity to rightfully defend traditional Christian principles for which their nation has been grounded for centuries. These leaders have institutionalized and become the enablers and promoters of the ailment that may destroy their nations and Western civilization. The growth of radical Islam and lure that it presents those young Westerners in search for a purpose in life or to atone for the wrongs of the world, is the public degrading and execution of Christendom. But none of this would be possible without the complete moral extermination of the one nation that used the Ten Commandments and Biblical principles as the blue print for its founding documents and development of their nation to become the most dominant and prosperous nation on the planet– the united states of America.
For radical Islam to win, we in America and Europe have to reject and unilaterally surrender who and what we truly are and what has given us our prosperity and our miraculous high quality of life. And it is up to each of to once again become fierce stewards and defend with boldness our principles of Christendom and Americanism in the open arena of ideals for all to see and honestly and unapologetically compare the fruits of Christianity and American and Western culture to any other religion, and culture, particularly Islam. And then be willing to defend what you know to be true. Not all Muslims are radical terrorist, but it is self-evident these days that the majority radical terrorist espouse the Muslim faith. The more that you love and appreciate the good of your country, the less likely you are to seek or aid in its demise.  Truth will always triumph.

Mozilla’s CEO Firing Due To His Position On Same-Sex Is Further Evidence Of Brown Shirt-Like Silencing Of Opposing Points Of View

The lightening quick resignation/firing of newly hired Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich is only the latest disturbing sign of the Progressive Liberal’s publicly execution of anyone who dares to claim opposition to their point of view.  What was the crime that meant that his head should be put on display to forewarn any others who dare to come down his path of free expression?  He contributed $1000 to California Proposition 8, that dared to declare that marriage should be defined as between a man and a woman.  Shut da front door!!  Oh by the way, the measure passed overwhelming, and was only rejected by a grossly overreaching Federal Circuit Court declaring that the voices of the people does not matter regarding matters that it [the government] wants to promote.

But this is not the first time in history in which the government sought to silence descending or opposing points of view.  Remember throughout Nazi Germany, with the SS Brown Shirts, and totalitarian/communist nations, such as China and North Korea, where friends, family members, and coworkers are literally turned into government informants, and the citizens are conditioned to self-sensor their actions and words so as not to appear out of step with the conformist population and suffer the wrath of the government.  To the point that hardly anyone dares to speak publicly against the actions or motives of the government or whatever the current politically correct attitude is of the time. Even in the Bible, the story of King Nebuchadnezzar and  Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, where the king mandated everyone bow down and willfully submit to his wishes and to be blindly worshiped, or violators would be cast in a burning furnace. When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego openly refused his demands, they were arrested and thrown into the burning furnace for all others to take notice if they too dared disobey the kings demands or wishes.

History has shown us that one of the first things that a tyrant, or a government that seeks to rule of its citizens, is to suppress and or control speech and the flow of communication amongst the people.  And the Founders of this great nation were all too conscious of such tragic episodes in history.  So they placed the freedom of speech as the very first Amendment to the Constitution for the united States of America.  Ironically, it was placed right along with restraining the government from interfering in the free exercise of a citizen’s religious.  At the end of the day, the free expression of religion, particularly that of Christendom, is what all of this dust up is about.  Just as in the Phil Robertson’s, of the A & E Duck Dynasty Reality TV show, brouhaha  over his personal belief that marriage is defined in the Bible as being between a man and a woman.  Period!  We are supposed to be fruitful and multiply, i.e., to procreate according to the Bible.  And though I’m not a biology whiz by any measure, two men nor two women can procreate.  But since the end game is to fundamentally transform this nation into something that it was never designed to become, to detach it, and it’s people, from its Christian foundation, any semblance or representation of Christendom has to abolished from public view and of any relevance.

In order to carry out this grand deception, freedom of speech has to be contorted, suppressed, manipulated, and or extracted, except when it promotes the governments needs,and the truth to made into a lie.  If the government says that a woman can correctly raise a child absent a man, than anyone else who says otherwise is now wrong.  If the government says that the Negro people are inferior to Caucasians and should be made subservient to them, anyone who says otherwise is wrong.  If the government says that Christendom should be detached from the lives of the citizenry for the sake of not “offending” someone, than anyone else who says otherwise is wrong.  And if the government mandates that marriage shall now be defined openly to include those of the same sex, than anyone who does not bow to that way of thinking is now wrong.  And the best way to infuse compliance throughout the population is a public lynching, execution, or burning in a furnace for the populace to be warned of the consequences of noncompliance.  It does not matter of what political party’s affiliation that prescribes such policy.  It only matter if such policy is designed to encourage more freedom, or less freedom.

Tyranny does not have to come via direct brute force, but by gentle coercion and the redefining of truth and right.  Today truth and right is being redefined under the guise of “tolerance”.  Particularly during the past 6 years or so, to publicly show favor of anything traditionally American, whether it be our language, our history, our flag, our laws, customs, values, or religious principles, has been redefined as being intolerable in defense of that of anothers.  Conservative political commentator Erick Erickson truthfully stated, “Evil Preaches Tolerance Until It Is Dominant, Then Seeks to Silence Good.”

True freedom is defined, “The quality or state of being free: as the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action.”  The Founders knew all too well the crucial importance of the people being able to speak freely amongst each other, to be able to disseminate information without fear of government reprisals, manipulation, coercion, or intimidation.  That is why a free and unadulterated press was also placed in the first Amendment.

If we began to self-censor what we say or how we communicate to each other to the point that we only publicly display actions or say things simply because its what others want to see or hear, it stifles freedom and opens the way for government to come off its leash.  1700’s French author and writer, Voltaire, famously said, “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.”  The freedom of speech does not shield you from being offended or having bad things said to you.  I remember back in the day, there was a saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, words will never hurt me.”  As an individual though I may not like what you say or do, or the manner by which chose to act, I can not stop you by force for speaking nor acting in any way.  But, the government can, whether it be directly, via standing near you with his hand on his gun, or indirectly, via public policy enactments, laws, or decrees.  So long as one is not infringing upon another’s right to his of her life, liberty, or property/pursuit of happiness, it should not manner.  We have gotten to a disturbing point in this country that we a self-censoring our thoughts so as not to commit a crime.  Founder Ben Franklin so warned us, “Without freedom of thought there can be no such thing as wisdom; and no such thing as public liberty without freedom of speech.”

The choice is ours.

The Duck Dynasty Brouhaha Brought The Silent War On Christendom In America To The Front Pages

Ok I’m going to get into the Duck Dynasty fiasco as it’s viewed in the rear view mirror. It left me asking some questions mostly. First, Mr. Phil Robertson made it quite clear that he was speaking for himself and his personal point of view. And he quoted directly from the Bible regarding homosexuality. While a MSNBC host publicly, on the air, stating wanting to defecate in the mouth of former governor and presidential candidate Sandra Palin … but that’s a non-issue? If it was truly a matter of discrimination and intolerance, than expressing pride in one’s heterosexualness would be just as viciously defended by the same people. After all it’s about being treated “equally”. Right?

If one were to truly analyze the whole dust-up over what Mr. Robertson said and the context in which he said it you may conclude that his comment wasn’t the main issue. What he said, if said a mere twenty, or even ten years ago would have only gotten scant attention. And it would have been viewed positively more than negative I dare say simply because he would have been stating something based on what the majority of Americans already hold as cautionary fact, Biblical principles.  And it would not have been viewed via such irrational politically correct prisms. He quoted the Bible in public as a prominent celebrity, of one of the most popular cable shows in history. Probably if he had said that women should have as many children as they wanted-without a man-and that they should strive to take more traditionally male roles he probably would have been praised. But he quoted the Bible in a Liberal venue against the exaggerated popularity of homosexuality’s cultural equalization to that of heterosexuality.

But I don’t even see the views on homosexuality as the totality of the gross negative reaction to Mr. Robertson’s statement of his personal views. But that he publicly endorsed and represented old fashion masculinity, both in what he said and his stance that he would not be moved from that position, come what may. In today’s cultural assault on the very idea of what a man is and or should be, in order to turn the very word masculine into hate speech, he made it clear, that based on his interpretation of Biblical scripture, a man should only be with a woman, and a woman only be with a man. The push to equate, or even supplant, heterosexuality with that of homosexuality and to engineer a socially secular society, where there are no societal absolutes, can not succeed with a dominate masculine or a traditionally American family culture or society.

So, what was really the target of the venomous hate?  It was not Mr. Robertson. It certainly had nothing to do with tolerance, intolerance, equality, nor inequality. The real target was Christendom. And why did the advocates and proponents of groups such as GLAAD [Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation] lose? Because despite the long fight to abolish Christianity and the tenets of Christendom from the consciousness of the American people, still the majority of which, though too often silent, recognizes the truth behind the very principles upon which this great nation was founded still holds true.

Christianity and Christians are not just catching hell here in America for their principles and beliefs, but too in the Middle East and throughout Europe. Traditional Western Culture is under assault in ways that would have seem unfathomable just a couple of generations ago.  Whether we are being assaulted and persecuted by radical Islamist or radical Secularist, there has been, and is, a silent war being waged against Christendom all over the world. What the firestorm over Mr. Robertson’s comments did, and his subsequent victory, was to put the battle on front street for all to see that there is an eternal effort to suppress and eliminate Christianity in every form from our society.

The tenets and principles of Christianity is woven throughout our nation’s founding principles and documents.  It is our identity.  It too is woven throughout the nations of Europe. That’s why the sudden marriage of the political elites of the Western Powers and the Gay Rights Movement is so confusing and unsettling for many, on both sides of the ocean. To the political elites it is just a matter of politics and their expansion of power. But to many of the silent majority it is a matter of fundamental principles and it is a fight for our view of our civilization and way of life. A fight that we are not yet ready to surrender.

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Why Is There A Silent War Against Christendom…In America?

I don’t know about the rest of you, but never thought that the day would come that Christendom would come under serious assault in this country not by an extreme American leftist group, atheist group, or anti-religious group, but by the government of the United States.

Lets first start off with the astonishing May report in stating that the U.S military will actually Court Martial any solider who shares his or her Christian faith. Whats even more astonishing is that the report states, “Obama administration Pentagon appointees meeting with anti-Christian extremist Mikey Weinstein to develop court-martial procedures to punish Christians in the military who express or share their faith.” That’s like someone from an atheist group helping develop the laws and procedures for the Boy Scouts of America. But, as sad as it may be to think of such an event, in today’s degrading culture such an event maybe easily accepted. The Establishment Media would only have to colour it under words such diversity or equality. But, that’s not the end of the military’s extremely bizarre religious cultural conversion. In April the U.K Daily Mail reported that U.S Army Reserves training material, “classifies Christians, including both evangelicals and Roman Catholics, as religious extremists, placing them in the same category as skinheads, the Ku Klux Klan, Hamas and Al Qaeda.”

The one thing that I was always raised to be certain of was that America would always be defined by its Christian foundation and principles and that the military would be the most glaring evidence of that just as it has been ever since the America Revolutionary. But so to, I never imagined that the American people would become so detached from the purpose, actions, and behavior of their government.

The orchestrated silent purging of our nations most cherished religious principles and culture doesn’t just stop with the military. Earlier this month a South Carolina High School Valedictorian had to rip up a per-approved speech to talk about his Christian up bringing and recited the Lords Pray to a roaring applause from the graduation audience. In 2009 a sitting federal judge actually banned prayer from government school events in Santa Rosa County, Fla. A Indiana college prohibited playing of the National Anthem at sporting events. And as early as 2005 a FOX News Poll stated that many American, 8 out of 10, see the courts as actually the hand that is pushing Christianity into the shadows and out of the view of the public. Must like when Moses was pushed out the view and consciousness of the public by the Egyptian Pharaoh.

We as a nation have strayed so far into the twilight zone that many of us are even questioning whether are not we are a Christian nation. In a CBS report, “Is U.S A Christian Nation?”, stated that just 77% of respondents called themselves Christian, as compared to 91% in 1948, and that a Newsweek poll stated that just 62 percent of Americans believe America to be a Christian nation. This is about the same time that Mr. O stood in Turkey as the President of the U.S basically denouncing any claim that we are a Christian nation when he said, “We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation,”… “We consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by ideals and a set of values.” We have becoming a nation with no religious identity according to a Pew Forum on religion and public life. America is no longer the land for free religious expression, especially if you are Christian, as the Heritage Foundation in the Fall of 2010 report called, Religious Liberty and Expression Under Attack: Restoring America’s First Freedoms. In the report it pointedly stated, “All across America, religious institutions and individuals are being subjected to increasing restrictions on their free exercise of religion and freedom of speech—a crackdown that can be seen in a variety of different contexts ranging from employers or health care professionals being required to provide or facilitate abortions against the dictates of their faith to street evangelists and public school students seeking to share their religious viewpoints with others. This rising disregard for religious liberty represents a marked break from the long-standing American tradition of accommodating religious practice and expression that predates the ratification of the Constitution.”

Three questions should be asked by even the most passive observer. Why is this issue getting scant coverage by the American Media? Why is our nation’s religious identity being so brazenly attacked and denigrated with seemingly impunity? Why? And who does it benefit? Though I do not have all of the answers, but many may want to use the excuse of the separation of Church and State Clause in the Constitution. But, the funny thing is that there is no such clause. In fact, the whole convoluted and most miss-construed issue of Separation of Church and State comes not from the U.S Constitution, but the U.S.S.R Constitution of 1922-the former Communist Republic. The great irony is that Jefferson’s noted Separation of Church and State had to do with U.S. government NOT interfering with the religious freedoms of Americans – just as it states in the Constitution, “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”

But so to must we look at the person who heads the Executive Branch of the United States. The person who executes the laws of the federal government and sets statutory policies for the departments under his domain – Mr. Barack Obama. It is not to say that the suppression of Christianity is new in this country, but the veracity and vigorousness of the comprehensive attack that has been unleashed is nothing more than astounding. And one can argue that such an assault is being done with a little too much passion to be done begrudgingly or with any mental reservation. The question needs to be asked how does the fact that Mr. O was raised and heavily influenced by two fathers of Muslim backgrounds and origins and that he spent most of his formative years outside of the Continental United States Of America?

In any regard, the only truth is that the people who do not believe that individuals can govern themselves or that a nation can not be the beacon of prosperity, freedom, and liberty to shine the light on their mass flaws of human injustices and economic ineffectiveness are the ones who will benefit from the demise of America. And that these people can only succeed if we the American people forget, disavow, and or surrender our history, our culture, our customs, our fundamental religious principles, and our identity.

Is Hollywood Trying To Tell Us That America’s Dominant Era Is At An End?

I recently saw the movie “Olympus Has Fallen” and found it very scary.  Not in the scary since of Halloween.  But then I saw that there is another similar movie upcoming with Jamie Foxx called, “White House Down”.  What I find most disturbing about both of these films that they both depict the symbol of our nation’s strength, identity, and greatness being infiltrated by foreign enemies and physically destroyed.  I personally can not recall movies in the past so graphically showing the White House being destroyed.  In the Bruce Willis movie, Live Free or Die Hard, showed the White House being destroyed, but it didn’t actually happen.

Hollywood very often presents things that either actually happened already, is happening, or will happen.  Examples of its futuristic presentations maybe, The Minority Report, the 007 movies, and the Buck Rodgers movies.  We now have “low impact weapons” being used by the military and law enforcement, such as teasers, we have personal GPS devices, and we can ever communicate virtually via computers.  A lot of times Hollywood speaks to the public in metaphoric or non-literal terms, but there is a message that it is trying to communicate to us. Hollywood generally doesn’t roll out a wave of such provocative subject matter, unless it truly feels that we, the public, will be accepting of it.  Remember it’s in the business of making money.

Even Time Magazine asked in an article in March of 2011, Are America’s Best Days Behind Us?” The author makes a couple of interesting and pointed statements in first stating, The decisions that created today’s growth — decisions about education, infrastructure and the like — were made decades ago. What we see today is an American economy that has boomed because of policies and developments of the 1950s and ’60s: the interstate-highway system, massive funding for science and technology, a public-education system that was the envy of the world and generous immigration policies. Look at some underlying measures today, and you will wonder about the future.” and, Many of these changes have taken place not because of America’s missteps but because other countries are now playing the same game we are — and playing to win.”  I dare say that such comments and thoughts would have been unthought of, least than spoken or displayed so front and center in the popular media some 20 or so years ago – or even 8 years.  Not to say that America’s decline just started recently, but what is it that Hollywood sees and maybe is trying to alert us to – or condition us for?

I find it most interesting that these two movies have a couple of intriguing ingredients that are new. One being that the bad guys have intricate knowledge of the inter-workings of the U.S government and it’s people, even at the most protected building in our country, if not the world, the White House; there is a traitor portrayed who is in the inner circles of the government; and that the White House and the Capital Building are physically destroyed unable to be defended by some of the world most technological counter-measure systems.  These all can be taken as metaphors of a nation that was once seen as undefeatable from external forces destroying itself from within by someone who’s disenchanted with our nation’s principles and ideals.

There are many of us who look to the man in the Office as the problem to the nations decline.  But just as the Times article points out, “the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), our 15-year-olds rank 17th in the world in science and 25th in math. We rank 12th among developed countries in college graduation (down from No. 1 for decades). We come in 79th in elementary-school enrollment. Our infrastructure is ranked 23rd in the world, well behind that of every other major advanced economy. American health numbers are stunning for a rich country: based on studies by the OECD and the World Health Organization, we’re 27th in life expectancy, 18th in diabetes and first in obesity. Only a few decades ago, the U.S. stood tall in such rankings.” America has been on the slide for a long time.  And being a representative republic-democracy, the government only reflects the people of the nation.  Either by affirmative actions, i.e., voting, or silent acquiescence, blatant apathy and or political and civic disengagement, we have the government, which includes whosoever occupies the Office, we the people chose and deserve.

When the nation was centered around morality and character the nation’s leaders reflected that.  Because we the people demanded it of ourselves.  There used to be three loves of Americans – love of God, love of family, and love of country [America]. Not necessarily in the order.  But today it is mostly love of me.  To boldly proclaim or profess devotion to America and Americanism is to open one’s self to being called an extremist, anti-immigrant, or racist.  Today to express our nation’s fundamental connections to Christendom and God today is most aggressively shunned and discouraged. This certainly isn’t our grandparent’s America.  What is more alarming is that these characteristics and negative effects are most present in the nation’s next generation. 

In a 2006 report by CIRCLE [the Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning & Engagement], stated as a consequence of American youths disengaging from politics, “in addition to civic disengagement, contemporary critics have also decried a closely related phenomenon—the excessive individualism of contemporary American culture that has created a society which is increasingly polarized and fragmented, with little sense of being united by shared values, or of participation for the commonwealth. Goals of personal advancement and gratification dominate the younger generations, frequently at the expense of broader social, moral, and spiritual meaning….Today’s young adults are less politically interested and informed than any cohort of young people on record.”   And it said of our societal foundation, “During the past generation, our families have come under intense pressure, and many have crumbled. Neighborhood and community ties have frayed. Many of our streets and public spaces have become unsafe. Our public schools are mediocre for most students, and catastrophic failures for many. Our character-forming institutions are enfeebled. Much of our popular culture is vulgar, violent, and mindless. Much of our public square is coarse and uncivil. Political participation is at depressed levels last seen in the 1920s. Public trust in our leaders and institutions has plunged.” Though the report is more than 10 years old, can you honestly look around and dismiss its fundamental findings?  And all of this came way before Mr. O proclaimed to “fundamentally transform this nation [America]”.  We have been undergoing an incremental silent transformation for some time now.

If we as a nation no longer knows what there is to appreciate and give thanks to about our nation and that we should never settle for mediocrity or stop playing to win; we no longer know our nation’s history, our Constitution and other founding documents; we have no knowledge of the true relationship between the government and the people, have no knowledge or respect to the relevant place that Christian morality and principles has for our nation; nor knows what it is that makes America exceptional or that being an American with our uniquely cherished liberties and freedoms are fragile and delicate blessings, than if our nation is to fall, it will be only our fault.  Just as Ezra Taft Benson stated, “If America is destroyed, it may be by Americans who salute the flag, sing the national anthem, march in patriotic parades, cheer Fourth of July speakers – normally good Americans, but Americans who fail to comprehend what is required to keep our country strong and free, Americans who have been lulled away into a false security.”

Just as the government may reflect the people who it serves, the Entertainment Industry reflects what we have been, where we are, and what we may become.  Gone are the days when the U.S was always shown as the unquestionable good guy and indestructible.  Gone are the days when young men and women said yes ma’am and no ma’am. And gone are the days when those in the highest offices of government are expected to be of high moral and ethical character.  And if that is so, we have only to look in the mirror, own it, and make a change for a better future.