
Is Hollywood Trying To Tell Us That America’s Dominant Era Is At An End?

I recently saw the movie “Olympus Has Fallen” and found it very scary.  Not in the scary since of Halloween.  But then I saw that there is another similar movie upcoming with Jamie Foxx called, “White House Down”.  What I find most disturbing about both of these films that they both depict the symbol of our nation’s strength, identity, and greatness being infiltrated by foreign enemies and physically destroyed.  I personally can not recall movies in the past so graphically showing the White House being destroyed.  In the Bruce Willis movie, Live Free or Die Hard, showed the White House being destroyed, but it didn’t actually happen.

Hollywood very often presents things that either actually happened already, is happening, or will happen.  Examples of its futuristic presentations maybe, The Minority Report, the 007 movies, and the Buck Rodgers movies.  We now have “low impact weapons” being used by the military and law enforcement, such as teasers, we have personal GPS devices, and we can ever communicate virtually via computers.  A lot of times Hollywood speaks to the public in metaphoric or non-literal terms, but there is a message that it is trying to communicate to us. Hollywood generally doesn’t roll out a wave of such provocative subject matter, unless it truly feels that we, the public, will be accepting of it.  Remember it’s in the business of making money.

Even Time Magazine asked in an article in March of 2011, Are America’s Best Days Behind Us?” The author makes a couple of interesting and pointed statements in first stating, The decisions that created today’s growth — decisions about education, infrastructure and the like — were made decades ago. What we see today is an American economy that has boomed because of policies and developments of the 1950s and ’60s: the interstate-highway system, massive funding for science and technology, a public-education system that was the envy of the world and generous immigration policies. Look at some underlying measures today, and you will wonder about the future.” and, Many of these changes have taken place not because of America’s missteps but because other countries are now playing the same game we are — and playing to win.”  I dare say that such comments and thoughts would have been unthought of, least than spoken or displayed so front and center in the popular media some 20 or so years ago – or even 8 years.  Not to say that America’s decline just started recently, but what is it that Hollywood sees and maybe is trying to alert us to – or condition us for?

I find it most interesting that these two movies have a couple of intriguing ingredients that are new. One being that the bad guys have intricate knowledge of the inter-workings of the U.S government and it’s people, even at the most protected building in our country, if not the world, the White House; there is a traitor portrayed who is in the inner circles of the government; and that the White House and the Capital Building are physically destroyed unable to be defended by some of the world most technological counter-measure systems.  These all can be taken as metaphors of a nation that was once seen as undefeatable from external forces destroying itself from within by someone who’s disenchanted with our nation’s principles and ideals.

There are many of us who look to the man in the Office as the problem to the nations decline.  But just as the Times article points out, “the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), our 15-year-olds rank 17th in the world in science and 25th in math. We rank 12th among developed countries in college graduation (down from No. 1 for decades). We come in 79th in elementary-school enrollment. Our infrastructure is ranked 23rd in the world, well behind that of every other major advanced economy. American health numbers are stunning for a rich country: based on studies by the OECD and the World Health Organization, we’re 27th in life expectancy, 18th in diabetes and first in obesity. Only a few decades ago, the U.S. stood tall in such rankings.” America has been on the slide for a long time.  And being a representative republic-democracy, the government only reflects the people of the nation.  Either by affirmative actions, i.e., voting, or silent acquiescence, blatant apathy and or political and civic disengagement, we have the government, which includes whosoever occupies the Office, we the people chose and deserve.

When the nation was centered around morality and character the nation’s leaders reflected that.  Because we the people demanded it of ourselves.  There used to be three loves of Americans – love of God, love of family, and love of country [America]. Not necessarily in the order.  But today it is mostly love of me.  To boldly proclaim or profess devotion to America and Americanism is to open one’s self to being called an extremist, anti-immigrant, or racist.  Today to express our nation’s fundamental connections to Christendom and God today is most aggressively shunned and discouraged. This certainly isn’t our grandparent’s America.  What is more alarming is that these characteristics and negative effects are most present in the nation’s next generation. 

In a 2006 report by CIRCLE [the Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning & Engagement], stated as a consequence of American youths disengaging from politics, “in addition to civic disengagement, contemporary critics have also decried a closely related phenomenon—the excessive individualism of contemporary American culture that has created a society which is increasingly polarized and fragmented, with little sense of being united by shared values, or of participation for the commonwealth. Goals of personal advancement and gratification dominate the younger generations, frequently at the expense of broader social, moral, and spiritual meaning….Today’s young adults are less politically interested and informed than any cohort of young people on record.”   And it said of our societal foundation, “During the past generation, our families have come under intense pressure, and many have crumbled. Neighborhood and community ties have frayed. Many of our streets and public spaces have become unsafe. Our public schools are mediocre for most students, and catastrophic failures for many. Our character-forming institutions are enfeebled. Much of our popular culture is vulgar, violent, and mindless. Much of our public square is coarse and uncivil. Political participation is at depressed levels last seen in the 1920s. Public trust in our leaders and institutions has plunged.” Though the report is more than 10 years old, can you honestly look around and dismiss its fundamental findings?  And all of this came way before Mr. O proclaimed to “fundamentally transform this nation [America]”.  We have been undergoing an incremental silent transformation for some time now.

If we as a nation no longer knows what there is to appreciate and give thanks to about our nation and that we should never settle for mediocrity or stop playing to win; we no longer know our nation’s history, our Constitution and other founding documents; we have no knowledge of the true relationship between the government and the people, have no knowledge or respect to the relevant place that Christian morality and principles has for our nation; nor knows what it is that makes America exceptional or that being an American with our uniquely cherished liberties and freedoms are fragile and delicate blessings, than if our nation is to fall, it will be only our fault.  Just as Ezra Taft Benson stated, “If America is destroyed, it may be by Americans who salute the flag, sing the national anthem, march in patriotic parades, cheer Fourth of July speakers – normally good Americans, but Americans who fail to comprehend what is required to keep our country strong and free, Americans who have been lulled away into a false security.”

Just as the government may reflect the people who it serves, the Entertainment Industry reflects what we have been, where we are, and what we may become.  Gone are the days when the U.S was always shown as the unquestionable good guy and indestructible.  Gone are the days when young men and women said yes ma’am and no ma’am. And gone are the days when those in the highest offices of government are expected to be of high moral and ethical character.  And if that is so, we have only to look in the mirror, own it, and make a change for a better future.

The Fundamental Re-Education of America Rages On Un-Abated

As the debates over same-sex marriage and the illegal-immigration of Mexicans are visible as lead distractions, there is something troubling that intertwine these issues that’s going unbeknownst to most of the American populace.  From the man who was to be crowned U.S president promised “to fundamentally transform this nation [America]”, things appear to be proceeding to that end. 

A couple of things have caught my eye that by themselves may seem innocuous, but combined not so much. A recent Rasmussen Poll shows that only 35% of likely U. S voters believe that the nation is going the right direction. A Pew Research Survey reports that incredibly 30% of American adults under 30 years of age now identify themselves as having no religious affiliation – In the last five years alone, there has been an increase from aprox. 15% to 20% of all adults.  And in 2009 in the Muslim nation of Turkey Mr. Obama proclaimed, as the President of the United States and the representative of the people of America, that, “We [Americans] do not consider ourselves a Christian nation.” Really? Isn’t that something inappropriate for a U.S president to say while on foreign soil?  Or is it just me?

What these three indicators detail is bubbling crisis that is threatening our nation’s fundamental social structure – our basis of belief, values, and identity.  While the majority of us clearly recognize that there is something very wrong with the country, we feel powerless to do anything about it.  Too many of us have become helpless spectators to the most significant dismantling of an empire since Ancient Rome. And in so doing have left the most vulnerable amongst us to the whims of the tide of political and social disorder – the nation’s next generation.

It is said that the greatest trick of the Devil was to make others believe that God never existed.  Would the day come when Americans showing no evidence of the existence of God or morality in their lives, or do not reflect the existence and relevance of the founding documents such as the Constitution in their lives be even more remarkable and stunning?  I would say yes!  And would too say that the He is getting ready to take a bow.

When you have reports of an actual “ex” anti-American terrorist, Bill Ayers, who has actually been allowed to teach as an Illinois State College Professor before thousands of American students, who is a long-time friend and mentor of  Mr. Obama, unabashedly boasts before a crowd that its good that America is on the decline; that the federal government’s regulation and management over the lives of it’s citizens and Americans are at unprecedented levels; and read repeated stories of the increasing disengagement and apathy of many of Americans, in particular the youth, in the affairs of politics and the workings of the government you would have say WTF?.  It is as though someone has spike the air over our nation to cause the incremental dismantling of the nation’s foundations of religious principles, family values, and the strong sense of self-responsibility and self-governance not directly by any foreign force, but by our very own hands. 

There is a silent battle for the minds of the young of America in the government schools and through the Media.  The evidence is in full view even for the most passive observer.  It didn’t just began with Mr. O’s claim to “Fundamentally transform America” on the eve of his first election. And it is not just about transforming our economic system, or even our political system, but transforming what we believe in – pride in our history, our traditions, or culture, or belief system – that which makes us what we are.

At a time in which the U.S government is in more than $16 Trillion in debt, is spending more than a Trillion more than in brings in annually, and the Federal Reserve is printing out more than $200 Billion daily, thus further weakening America, Mr. Obama appears to have no serious will or desire to work to correct these critical issues.  But, what he has sought is to be the flag bearer and point man with all the vigor and fortitude of General Sherman through Georgia  to create the notion of “free” healthcare, bring homo-sexuality statutorily on par with heterosexuality, diminish or destroy the traditional American principle of personal responsibility and Christian foundation, and the make America unexceptional.

Irregardless of what Mr. O says, the fruits that his actions and governance has brought forth and ignited upon this once great nation an era of unprecedented government dependence and lack of self-governance, severe resistance to fundamental Christian and American traditions, and the quickening of America’s long-term domestic and international economic value of which may not be quickly, if ever, reversed.

What Mr. O has undoubtedly realized and has come to understand, just as other past historical observers of America, is that America is not great because of our great military, our even financial institutions, but our moral foundation, our Constitutional governance, and our social infrastructure, i.e., our family moral values, that makes us exceptional as a nation of people.  We our morphing into a nation of no societal absolutes, where any action is just simply based on how it makes us feel.  Matters of ethics and right or wrong are irrelevant.  Where 200 plus years of history as a nation which has withstood the test of time and prospered beyond imagination, stubbornly grounded in Judo-Christian principles, has been the shiny light on the hill welcoming nation-people from all over to be free, stood as a nation of laws not men, and believing that one should be able to work hard for what he wants and desire with limited interference from government, is now to be considered to be passé’?. 

There is a new norm developing where traditional American moral and social scales are said to be not only wrong, but unjust and almost criminal. But, it is and has always been our nation’s grounded morality that has given us providence. Have we floundered at times?  Of course just as all nations of Man.  As we shall do so again.  But in all of the nations today, what of them would not want to change places given not of decrepit current state, but of our underused and unrealized promise of liberty for all that is the foundation of our nation’s existence?

As for the question of if we are a Christian nation, I say this, in all of my readings of America’s founding I can see nothing speaking to anything but Christianity and “Divine Providence”.  I see no mention of Buddha, Mohammed, Judaism, or any other Prophet or religion as a guiding principle. When I read the Constitution and Declaration of Independence I see no other religion basis other than that of Christendom. And when I visited our nation’s capital all I see are references to the Judo-Christian theology as our nation’s guiding moral principles.  So if it not Christendom that we as a nation are to use as our basis, than what?  Why are we to say that having a stern moral and religious compass is no longer relevant or extreme?

Just as a few great people of our past have taken accounting of the extreme importance of a stern moral grounding such as the nation’s first President George Washington said, “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest prop of the duties of men and citizens. The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them. A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity. Let it simply be asked: Where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice? And let us with caution indulge in the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle… Observe good faith and justice toward all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all. Religion and morality enjoin this conduct; and can it be that good policy does not equally enjoin it?”  and as Douglas MacArthur said prophetically, “History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a spiritual awakening to overcome the moral lapse, or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster.”

Our nation’s history is still being written by us. We can have it tell of how a nation rose to great economic heights by Divine Providence to crash as one with no moral societal absolutes.  We can choose to have it tell of how the oldest and only Constitution that distinctly recognizes Divine authority and governance proclaiming that all men are to have their right to their life, their liberties, and their pursuit of happiness is now irrelevant and immaterial.  We can choose to have it tell of how we were passive witnesses to the destruction of the greatest experiment of human self-governance or of its rebirth. It matters not what Man is called president, Governor, or Senator, the choice is ours – people of America.

Have The American People Gone Too Far Forsaking Liberty?

Congressman Ron Paul during his farewell speech to the Congress made some very provocative points that should give anyone who truly loves this nation serious pause regarding the path that we now find ourselves as a nation that was established to be the model of individual freedom and liberty.  Two statements he made that caught my eye were, “I have thought a lot about why those of us who believe in liberty, as a solution, have done so poorly in convincing others of its benefits. If liberty is what we claim it is- the principle that protects all personal, social and economic decisions necessary for maximum prosperity and the best chance for peace- it should be an easy sell. Yet, history has shown that the masses have been quite receptive to the promises of authoritarians which are rarely if ever fulfilled.” and, “The Founders were convinced that a free society could not exist without a moral people.  …Today the rule of law written in the Constitution has little meaning for most Americans”   Irregardless of what you may think of the messenger, the message itself  is troubling.

First, why is the message of liberty today not solidly embraced in today’s America, while at the same time many of us stand for the Pledge of Allegiance, wave “Ol’ Glory, and give lip service to its ideals?  Today there are more citizens receiving some form of assistance from the federal government, i.e., Social Security, Food Stamps, and Medicare.   Too many people are more willing to take a hand out rather that a hand up. With Obamacare, the government is now able to regulate or control every aspect of a citizen’s life.  During the past 12 plus years the government has expand to  unprecedented scales and during this recession government  jobs have greatly expanded, while those in the private sector have done so in the reverse.   The citizens of the United States and America have chosen to elect the most liberally social and economic minded man to be president ever who espouses nothing other than greater government, less individual liberty, and give to those simply based on their need and to take from those based on their ability, twice.  Group identity has surpassed individual identity in the consciousness of many Americans, whether it is based on sexual orientation, ethnicity, age, gender, or income. Such ideals are intellectually repugnant to the very principles of our nation’s founding.  In fact, today to even be so bold as to claim one’s liberties recognized in the Constitution as superior to any claim by a group or quote any of the Founders risk being seen as a radical, extremist, anti-diversity, anti-government, or anything short of a child of God.  The very concept of freedom and liberty has become an extreme psychological burden to many.

There was even actually an open conversation on The CBS Good Morning program last month by a so-called professor talking about honestly doing away with parts of the Constitution because they are not “inspiring” and equating the Founders with the U.N and France.  Really?  I have actually had heated discussions with people  over the issue of gun control. They questioned the need for anyone to have military-styled weapons or any amount of guns that they deemed excessive.  My response to them was it is the constitutionally protected right for any American to have as many guns as he wants. Period! Just as every American has the right to smoke as many cigarettes as her or she chooses, or anything else for that matter, gorge himself on fast foods, or spend all of his money on scratch-off lottery tickets, so long as it does not interfere with nor infringe upon my rights and liberties.  That is the truest and should be the easiest concept of freedom to understand.  Shouldn’t it?

America is no longer the freest nation economically, we’re 10th behind nations such as Chile, Hong Kong, and Mauritius, and we have more people in correctional institutions than Communist China or Russia.  Both of these issues are symptomatic of an underlined debasement of our nation’s moral compass and refusal of too many of us to embrace the weight of the responsibility that comes with personal liberties and freedoms.  To borrow a line from Spiderman, “with great power, comes great responsibility.

America was to be the shining light of freedom on the hill for all those seeking such to be guided.  There is no greater power than that of a free individual, a sovereign.  But, yes too there is no greater responsibility than that which is applied to that individual. Ben Franklin prophetically stated, “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom.” 

But just as one may disclaim, so too can he reclaim.  Many of us have forgotten or have never been introduced to the greatness of our nation’s Constitution and founding documents and principles, so we know not what it is that is to be our birthrite and that has made us uniquely exceptional to other nations. Thus we lack the true significance of our incrementally forsaking our birthrite of liberty.  But, it is up to us to reclaim, to become reintroduced, or to become educated to what it is to be free. To question with stern boldness what direction those entrusted with the nation’s governance.  And if it is not the Constitution and or the people that they receive their authority, it needs to be asked then by which do they? And then seek real change.  Or else remember another statement made by Congressman Paul, “Once government gets a limited concession for the use of force to mold people habits and plan the economy, it causes a steady move toward tyrannical government.”

I Don’t Know Of What U.S Constitution and America Obama Was Referring To In His Inaugural Address; Not That Anyone Really Cares. He Does Sound Good Don’t He?.

Mr. Obama started in his inaugural speech by praising the strength of our nation’s Constitution. But, then he goes off on a tangent referring to things that have nothing to do with either our nation’s founding principles or founding documents; in particular the Declaration of Independence.

First, let’s give Mr. O credit for finally admitting that we Americans are exceptional.  But, we were NEVER promised a democracy.  If so then the word democracy would be found somewhere in the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence.  It is not!  But Article 3, Section 4 does guarantee us a “republican form of government.”   When he speaks of the patriots not fighting to replace tyranny of kings with the privileges of a few or mob rule, he sounds confused.  Because during the times of kings they were the government, and by definition mob rule is a democracy.  Of which he has shown by his actions that he wants nothing more than to greatly expand both infinitely.

When he says that, “we the people understand that our country cannot succeed when a shrinking few do very well and a growing many barely make it.”  Was he referring to Communist China, the Soviet Union, North Korea, or some other such nation that he holds in suppressed honor and regard?  Because my recollection is that this nation has been the economic marvel that all others have driven to attempt to imitate and still today many of other nation’s citizens cross blistering deserts and shark-infested waters to be included in – illegally and legally.  And it has been the free-spirited individual’s ability to dream and work hard to achieve beyond his wildest dreams to become successful and wealthy.  History does tell us that it is when government expands and eats up more money in the economy, the soup lines expands amongst the people.  It is only most recently, in the past four years, that there are more Americans on welfare, on food stamps, and chronically unemployed and sitting idle, thus not being able to make it.  But, lets not let that get in the way of his story. An argument can be made that we are in the mist of a ’29 depression without the Media plastering pictures and news of it.

The main thing that I found fundamentally glaringly flawed from Mr. O’s speech is that though the Declaration does state that we are all CREATED equal, it doesn’t mean that we are all created to remain so.  And if that is the case, it is not the job of the government to then attempt to make us so.   As Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas have said that, “…America was founded on a philosophy of individual rights, not group rights.” and that, “Government cannot make us equal; it can only recognize, respect, and protect us as equal before the law.”

All throughout the speech it was all about what government should do.  Nothing was stated about the true meaning of the Declaration of Independence, individualism.  Much unlike JFK’s inaugural speech when he said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country”, or Ron Reagan’s when he said, Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem…. We’ve been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is superior to government for, by, and of the people. Well, if no one among us is capable of government himself, then who among us has the capacity to govern someone else? All of us together, in and out of government, must bear the burden. The solutions we seek must be equitable, with no one group singled out to pay a higher price.”  Or even Jefferson’s speech at our nation’s infancy said, “Let us then, fellow citizens, unite with one heart and one mind, let us restore to social intercourse that harmony and affection without which liberty, and even life itself, are but dreary things,” … “Every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle. … We are all Republicans. We are all Federalists.”

Our nation, even with its issues, corrections, and readjustments, as every other nation has had to some degree, has two things that separates us from all others and enables us to be truly exceptional; they are our Declaration of Independence and Constitution.  What those two documents so fervently proclaim is that it is the individual’s freedom to his life, his liberty, and thus the pursuit of his happiness – not necessarily the possession of it – that is paramount; not that of the collective.  For it is bestowed to him by the Creator.  And for that to be accomplished government must be small and most unintrusive.  It is the President who should wholesomely reflect, recite, and resemble these principles, and not attempt to us remake them in his own vision, image, or ideology that are intellectually repugnant to their very principles.  For it is those founding documents that can truly unite us and strengthen us if they are truthfully  implemented, applied, and understood as they were intended.  For it is those documents that make us Americans.

What Are The Consequences When No One Trust the President’s Words

Confucius said, “If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion…”  A more familiar way of saying that may be, to mean what you say and say what you mean, because your words do carry weight; especially if you happen to be a leader or the president of the United States.

In 2009 the citizens of the United States elected Barack Obama to be their president.  Many voters took for granted that he would first live up to the traditional values of the American people as well the previous occupants of the most prestigious of political offices.  But what may have been most assumed is for the man who occupies the Office be honest and of high moral standing.  I know that Men being Men we are all flawed creatures, so forgiveness is often generously applied.  But the track record of Mr. Obama should raise eyes brows of even the most passive political spectator.  I dare believe that no words are spoken with as much weight as those spoken by the president of the United States. Since becoming president Mr. O has taken positions verbally on some of the most pressing to ever face this nation and the world representing not only the people of America, but the Office. Positions that this man have taken and the verbalization of them  must leave even the most forgiving amongst us wondering whether he doesn’t know of the words that are coming out his mouth, or he is consciously engaging in Orwellian double-speak or Bernaysian verbial deception.

Here is just a sample of Mr. O’s strikingly curious verbal statements that may make you say huuummmm.   Last year on September 11, for the first time since the Carter Administration, a U.S foreign consulate was invaded and a head U.S Ambassador killed, along with three U.S servicemen in Libya.  For over a month Mr. O and his administration fervently claimed that the attack on the Libyan Consulate, as well as subsequent attacks on other U.S embassies in the Middle East was all due an extremely obscure You Tube video showing the Muslim Prophet Mohammed in an unfavorable light.  Mr. O sought the United Nations as a stage to most publicly claim that it was a video and an American’s inappropriate use of his freedom of speech and expression that was the cause of the mass “spontaneous” uprisings that set the Middle East ablaze.  Very much like the “spontaneous” uprisings that sacked the leaders of Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya.  But, reports show definitively that the White House not only knew that the Libyan Consulate was vulnerable, but knew within 2-hrs that the Consulate was attacked by a well-armed radical Muslim group, Ansar al-Sharia.  A U.S drone was miraculously on the spot just in time to video tape the assault real-time.  So did Mr. O and his entire administration and the U.S government intelligence organization take stupid pills and to become totally dysfunctional, reminiscent of Sept 11, 2001?  Why did the president publicly present himself and the government to be total incompetent idiots?

Mr. O seems to have an perpetual hard-on when it comes to piling more taxes and regulations on the nation’s producers and means of production at the same time he speaks publicly of wanting to grow the economy.  First, let’s resolve this notion that the nation’s wealthy do not pay “their fair share”.  The most recent report from the C.B.O, the Congressional Budget Office, shows that though the wealthiest taxpayers earn approx. 50% of nation’s income, they pay more than 70% of the nation’s taxes. He has even stated in the past that his dogged want for the rich to pay more in taxes has NOTHING to do with growing the economy; it is all about “fairness.”  And even after stating in his 2011 State of the Union address promising “When we find rules that put an unnecessary burden on businesses, we will fix them,” he has gone on to pile more costly shackles on the nation’s means of wealth production and businesses at a cost of more than $10 Million annually in regulatory regulations, with more slated for his new term.

More so, when our nation is reported to have more natural energy resources than anyone in the world, particularly coal, Obama ties an even larger albatross around the industries necks at a cost of Millions and Billions in jobs, research and development, economic and energy independence for the nation as a whole.

And now he’s wanting to do in his second term what he dared not do directly during his first term facing re-election, an all out assault on law-biding citizen gun ownership by applying more regulations and restrictions, under the guise of protecting the children.  Never mind the fact that there is no proof that strict gun laws prevents gangs and criminals from obtaining guns or that jurisdictions with such strict policies have less gun violence than those who encourage guns in the hands of it’s lawful citizenry.  In fact studies show the exact opposite, three States with the strictest restrictions on guns in the nation are California, New York, Illinois, and the District of Columbia having the highest rates of gang and gun violence. He still presses on.  Maybe he understands that the 2nd Amendment has nothing to do with the citizen’s protection from his neighbor or his ability to hunt necessarily, but a tyrannical government.

Mr. O is the master of saying and doing what we want to hear and see, and then doing the exact opposite off stage and behind close doors. The extraordinary energy that he expends on issues that seem to lead the country in directions that are counter to his stated objectives and reasoning and are most dis-advantageous to the prosperity of this nation’s posterity is truly amazing, as he publically claims innocence of the results.  Are we to believe that this is all some grand oversight or a point of astonishing ignorance by a man and his advisers who have every resource that the newspapers that I have gotten my information?  This former Community Organizer is unlike any president the American people have ever encountered.  He is an extremely unabashed ideologue who is not swayed by typical political consciousness of a traditional politician.  He is on a stated mission to fundamentally change this country and facts of arguments, or the lack thereof, the Congress, the American people, or the Constitution be damned.

I may not have the answers, but what I am most certain of is that if Mr. O were a head of a sports team or entertainment conglomerate and have made so many blatantly false and absurdly contorted statements of facts and truths, and placed his team or organization in such an vulnerable and grave position financially and so negatively effected its functioning he would be drummed into the unemployment line, if not brought up on criminal charges, by mass public condemnation.  But, unfortunately he is of the political class, of which too many of the people of America and United States place comparably far less importance on.

Even though there are many of us that may not be paying attention to this man’s actions and mode of operation, the leaders of other nations are and they are using it to their greatest advantage.  And even for those who strive to be unaffected by politics and uninformed on such weighty issues, they are inevitably affected by the actions and moral constitution of the man who sits in the seat of the president.  If that man is one believed to be of high moral character and honest, or the opposite thereof, the nation will take on his persona.  Think of the times when men such as Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, John Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan were presidents even during the most trying times of the nation, the people looked towards them to get their key on how to act, behave, and proceed.  Their party affiliation didn’t matter.  There was still a high trust factor. There wasn’t much, if any, question that their intentions for this nation were good. The head of the Executive Branch, the Commander of the U.S Armed Forces, and the representative of the people of America, the president of the United States is more than just a face, but is meant to represent the best of us all.  Or reveal us at our worst.

If the words of the president ever were to become a running joke to the American people or white noise, to be treated with reluctance and suspicion than confusion, reluctance, and chaos is sure to follow.  For it will be then that we will become a people divided with no central figure who is seen as trust worthy and honorable that will work for our best interest and bring us together as a nation.  It is then that the Office of the Presidency will be relegated to third-world nation’s level.  And it will be simply because we, the people, did not demand more.