
Donald Trump stands alone surronded by the resistance

Trump’s Presidential Legacy: The Greatest Citizen-President EVER!

The message of accomplishments of Trump should be the mantra of the Republican Party during this election season, but it is barely a whisper.  Not one Democrat should be running free without serious Republican competition due to Trump’s accomplishments as well as for their Party’s irreprehensible attempt to use the COVID-19 virus as a reason to close State and municipal economies for the purpose of defeating Trump. But they still apparently are favored in many races. 


Remember America, You Have the Government You Deserve

Make America Great Again?

On Wednesday morning, the 9th of November 2016, many Americans and citizens of the United States awaken with sadness, heartache, joy, exhilaration, and some with anger.  And I’m sure that there were some wondering WTF?!.  and asking themselves, how did we get to such a decrepit political situation, again? We were literally stuck with no good choice to be the leader of the most powerful nation on the planet. Some members of the society were so upset over the democratic election of the Mr. Donald J. Trump that they marched in the nation’s streets and lashed out to almost anything of a visual reminder of the victor to express their dissatisfaction and frustration.  I found it interesting that Media sought not to describe this extreme expression of dissatisfaction as “racist” due to the fact that Mr. Trump is Caucasian, or discriminatory against the wealthy, due to Mr. Trump’s immense wealth, or age discrimination, due to the fact the Trump will be the oldest man to be elected president at 70 years old, or any other excuse for violent acts and disorder to attach to a protected class as it did strenuously struggled to apply to any criticism or expression of dissatisfaction over the election or policies of Mr. Barack Obama; as though any and all discontent expressed was simply due to the fact that he was Black.

As I look at it, I see very little difference from post-election day 2016 and that of 2008 or 2012.  I’m sure that were many of the voters wondering, could we had done better with the choices that were laid in front of us?  A good argument can be made that in the 2008 and 2012 elections the voters were left between rather to have their left arm or right leg sawed off at the joints.  Whereas on Tuesday November 8th 2016 left voters with the choice of either have the left or right eye ball removed with a rusty tong; both candidate’s had unfavourabilities hovering near 60%.  Amazing!

I think that mid-1700’s French lawyer, diplomat, writer, and philosopher, Joseph de Maistre, may have said it best, “In a democracy people get the leaders they deserve.”  You notice that he did not say that we get the leaders that we want, but the leaders that we deserve.  I’d be willing to bet you a dollar to a donut that most U.S voters would say that they want the U.S president to be a person of high moral conviction, of good character, and honest. But, actions speak volumes.  If you take an honest assessment of the two individuals that were the electable choices to be president, it would be quite obvious that that’s not what the voters ultimately voted for.  Quite the opposite.  So too the same can be said as for the two prior presidential election outcomes.

The Citizens of the United States in ’08 and 2012 elected a man to be president without enquiring of him anything more than they would someone who was applying to manicure their yard. We cared not his political philosophy.  We cared not of his personal affiliations that helped mold and influence his world view, men such as Frank Marshall Davis, Saul Alinsky, Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers.  All of whom were either Communist/Marxist, Socialist, and or Anarchist.  We showed scant, if any, interest in how did the effects of both of his dads being from socialist/communist Muslim countries, one being from Indonesia and his biological father being from Kenya, and his mother having extreme socialist political leanings, had on his world perception.  Nor did we seem to be too inquisitive how he could be part of the Trinity United Church of Christ for some 20 plus years, be married in it, and have a person such Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who preached a radical form of black liberation, and then tell us that he had no idea of the type of preaching that was espoused by Rev. Wright.  Mr. O was presented to the voters as blank canvas, for which we could mentally create into who we wanted him to be, as he spoke with velvet silk tongue about “Hope & Change”.  How he would make all of our economic pains go away; that Santa [the government] would take from the bad an evil rich and give all of their ill-gotten wealth to us, the “less fortunate”; and that Santa would deliver us a Utopian paradise, just because.  Too many of us chose not to question with boldness the man who promised to “Fundamentally transform America”, just what was he transforming America from, and into what?  And the complicit Media ensured that we the people stayed distracted and squabbling amongst over selves so those such questions remain unasked.

With so much of the population so conditionally adverse to learning history, and therefore lack the ability to learn from it, it should come as no surprise that another virtual unknown is elected to the highest political office of the land, once again.  This time he wears the Republican brand, billionaire businessman Mr. Donald J. Trump.  Riding an emotional tsunami of a nation’s silent majority’s anger and discontent who has felt betrayed by the political “Establishment” and disillusioned with the future prospects of the nation – economically, nationally, and socially, with admittedly having never held any public office and showing no passion for historical political functioning nor posture. He sailed his way to being elected president of the United States on bluster, showmanship, machoism, and an emotionally charged mantra, “I’m Going to Make America Great Again”.  And let’s not forget to mention he was up against the most ethically and morally flawed Democrat opponent who literally had a personality, that if she was honey, would draw 2 bees; and 1 would be lost.  But even the most intellectually passive person might ask, What is his vision of America’s greatness? and How will that be manifested?

Once again, the voters of the United States some to be grossly disinterested in the philosophical constitution of the man who they have chosen to be president.  The nation voters seem curiosity vacant regarding the political constitution of a man who has never held political office.  For the  man who is to be the face of the Republican Party, Mr. Trump has stated positions that are more than intellectually counter-intuitive, if not repugnant, to the ideology of Republicanism, such as; he favors Planned Parenthood, favors gender “equality” in the workforce, advocates eminent domain, he is for forcing businesses to adopt family paid leave policies, has stated the need for “universal healthcare”, and what to me is the most irreprehensible statement that he made was that “he has never sought the need to repent or ask the Creator for forgiveness.  Should even the least inquisitive amongst us not pause and ask, what is it that guides this man who will be president’s decision making and governs his notion of right and wrong?  Should someone be asking what does the fact that he is on his third marriage and that he has many times placed a greater value on potential golf course over that of 92 y/o Scottish woman’s fundamental right to be left alone say about his moral compass?  Should we be at all concern of his strong fascist and corporatist leanings? What does the fact that he treats the Constitution with ill reverence says about whom he may choose to enforce it?  Is he the best amongst us whom we could have chosen?  Do we care to even ask such bold questions anymore?  And if the voters continue to take their choices so triviality, what does that say about the future of our great country?

A good argument can be made that it hasn’t been since the election of Reagan that the nation has had a president who the people, with little conscience reservation, felt proud when he spoke in our name, felt confident in his character, had confident that he was guided by Divine moral conviction, and felt little need question his judgement.  There is a reason that Reagan’s name still demands honor and respect, and so many Republicans blasphemously speaks his name for their illicit political benefit.  When have you heard any Democrat president spoken nearly with such reverence? Carter? Clinton? Will Obama be? Yes, you can say Kennedy. But the nation was vastly different then – morally, socially, economically, and politically.  The distance from America then and America now is comparable to that of Earth and Pluto.

The importance of choosing a God-fearing man of good moral character to govern and the consequences that would come if the American people failed in that undertaking may have been foretold no more prophetically them Founding Father Noah Webster, when he said, “When you become entitled to exercise the right of voting for public officers, let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to choose for rulers, “just men who will rule in the fear of God.” The preservation of government depends on the faithful discharge of this duty; if the citizens neglect their duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupted; laws will be made, not for the public good so much as for selfish or local purposes; corrupt or incompetent men will be appointed to execute the laws; the public revenues will be squandered on unworthy men; and the rights of the citizens will be violated or disregarded. If a republican government fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the divine commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the laws.” and When a citizen gives his suffrage (vote) to a man of known immorality he abuses his trust; he sacrifices not only his own interest, but that of his neighbor, he betrays the interest of his country.”

This nation will not fail or succeed by the moral compass or quality of character of the leaders placed to govern, but by that of the people who chooses them to govern.


The “Choice” Of Trump Or Hillary Exemplifies America’s Moral Decay.

One of my favorite quotes regarding America is by Alexis de Tocqueville, America is great because America is good. If America ever ceases to be good it will cease to be great.  I have to keep in mind that he did not say that America was perfect. Cause it was, and is not. But I do believe in his reference to America being good he meant morally. Though we are not perfect people, we have always sought to be a moral people. Every American and U.S President sought to exhibit strong moral character. From Washington to at least G.W Bush a strong moral code was a dominant part of their character, posture, and persona. And so too as Tocqueville prophetically stated, In the end, the state of the Union comes down to the character of the people”.  The government is a direct reflection of the governed in America.

The last two U.S presidential elections the American people and Citizens of the U.S chose a virtual unknown persona who promised “hope and change” and to “fundamentally transform” America. And true to his word, America has undergone the most dramatic social and moral transformation that anyone could have possibly imagined could have been achieved in such a short span of time.  The open expression of Christendom has been blatantly and virtually made vulgar and repulsive by the current U.S Administration from the military, through the religious-based businesses, to the government schools’ bathrooms.  All of the while there has been deliberate silence from the majority of American people. The measures that have been imposed upon the American people by the U.S government such as, redefining “marriage” to include same sex people, the forced inclusion of contraception pills in medical benefits of private businesses, and the liberation of transgender individuals into gender specific bathrooms would have been strongly and demonstratively rebuffed by the American people of some 40 years ago.  Today, too many Americans praise the Lord on Sunday and consciously deny and or ignore His tenets during the rest of the week.  For a nation that was purposefully established on Judeo-Christian principles one would not know that looking at was happening on its streets today.

So the U.S voters find themselves today faced with choosing one of the two presumptive winners of the dominant political Parties, Democrat and Republican, who are both amoralist, whose principles are on the moon, and have exhibited little or no bounds of conscious in order to get what they wanted.  And who would be better suited for a drama TV show than the Presidency of the United States. Neither holds the Constitution as anything more than a minor nuisance.

In the presumptive Republican nominee, Donald Trump, we have someone who openly stated that he has NEVER saw a need to ask for forgiveness, i.e., to repent.  Even though just a passive view of his past shows instances when he has attempted to have an old lady evicted from her home, in order to build a car garage.  He has gone to Ireland to attempt to have people removed from their homes by force, so that he could build a golf course. So long as there can be a dollar made, he sees nothing wrong in his actions, even if it’s via the police powers of the government.  It has been exhibited during his run for the Office his propensity to stretch the truth would make Pinocchio blush.  And his grotesque narcissistic personality leaves little room for humility nor grace– as though this nation hasn’t had enough of this type of person these past 7 years.

And as for the presumptive Democrat nominee, Hillary Clinton, from the start of her political existence she has left a trail of torched Commandments, in particular the one referring to baring false witness.  Truth can be no greater stranger to this lady if it were never created such a word.  Mrs. Clinton blatantly lied to the U.S Senate regarding the whereabouts of the Rose Law Firm’s documents during the 1996 Whitewater investigation  She lied to the parents and family members of those slain during an attack on the U.S Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, as well as to the American people, when she perpetrated the fraudulent tale of the assault and unrest throughout the Mid-East during that time was all due to an obscure video on You-Tube – as though people in the Mid-East set around watching You-Tube all day. And let’s not forget that she is currently under investigation for lying about having a private email server while she was the nation’s Secretary of State.  If she were to become the president, she would be the first to be under federal investigation as she takes to the oath to faithfully enforce the laws of the nation.  But hey, what truly matters is that my guy or gal wins.  Right?

Back in 2011, the New York Times had an opinion article, If It Feels Right. It referred to a ’08 study of some 240 youths, between 18-24 y/o, 2 out of 3 could not describe a moral dilemma. And outside of extreme cases of murder and rape, the youths had no concept of morality.  These are the people who are driving the political and social movement today.  And with scant push back by those 40 y/o and up along with those grounded in social and moral absolutism that is more identifiable to the founding principles of this great nation the future for us remaining free and prosperous is very bleak.

Lets not blame the politicians for being who and what they are.  The magnifying glass needs to be aimed at those who put them into office and allow them to behave without bounds.  When one sees a child utterly misbehaving and ill-mannered you don’t necessarily solely condemn the child without also looking at the parents.  Thomas Jefferson’s prophetic plea for us to be eternally vigilant over the government has been long dispatched to the waste can.  Too many Americans can better recite the members of the Championship Chicago Bulls Basketball Team than can name 6 Founding Fathers.  So today we have politicians and those seeking the highest public office in the nation openingly demonstrating severe absence of moral integrity and ethical restraints with impunity.  This can only be the result of a voting populous, and the society as a whole, whose moral integrity have been greatly compromised.

I do not mean to imply the nation’s moral decay started in 2008.  But the moral decay certainly produced it’s outcome. History tell us that there is a life cycle for empires. America’s age of moral decline can be measured by the decline in religious affiliation, particularly amongst the nation’s youth and those under 40 y/o.  According to a Pew Research Study, since 2007 those who describe themselves as not belonging to any religious philosophy[the unaffiliated] has jumped to nearly 20%.  Over 80% of them are not seeking religious guidance. Nearly 50% of the “unaffiliated” are under the age of 40.  What maybe most interesting, more of the “unaffiliated” lean heavily democrat.  The disconnection from religion has been growing since the 1970’s, but has accelerated in recent years.  If the people of America become amoral, how can we be expected to care if those who are elected seek Devine guidance? And if the people rejects the tenets of the Judeo-Christian principles that have made the nation the shinning light on the hill for the world, how can we be expected to remain such? We cannot. As Tocqueville realized, “I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors, her ample rivers, and it was not there. I sought for it in the fertile fields, and boundless prairies, and it was not there. I sought it in her rich mines, and vast world commerce, and it was not there. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power.”

At the end, it is we the people who choses if America shall be good.