
The media silence surrounding COVID

What You Will Not Hear The Major U.S News Media Complex Say About COVID-19

If you are someone who only gets his or her news surrounding the COVID-19 issue via the Media, then you probably believe that we are facing the plague and not a minor virus as the Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] calls it – due to the fact that there is a near 94% chance of recovery.

America torn apart

The Fundamental Transformation of America Continues Under The COVID Scare

Yes, when Mr. O talked about the fundamental transformation of America in ’08 he was not stating something that he was starting nor who would control the time of the it’s expiration.  The agenda to transform this nation from our fundamental grounding of limited government, self-governed individuals, and the greatest economic marvel in human history has been in effect since its inception, both from without and within our borders. 

Silencing Christians

It Is And Has Always Been About Our Cultural and Social Issues America.

When was the last time that you can remember a Presidential candidate running on shinning a light on the pressing a social or cultural issue such as the restoration of Biblical principles amongst the youth and the public schools since him? Or the absence of morality in the culture? Or just the reverence for American capitalism versus Socialism/Communism?.

The Vanishing America

As I look around at today’s America I see less and less of the America that I grew up in. I hear less and less of the language spoken by Americans than I did when I was growing up.