
Silencing Christians

It Is And Has Always Been About Our Cultural and Social Issues America.

When was the last time that you can remember a Presidential candidate running on shinning a light on the pressing a social or cultural issue such as the restoration of Biblical principles amongst the youth and the public schools since him? Or the absence of morality in the culture? Or just the reverence for American capitalism versus Socialism/Communism?.

The Illegal Immigration Crisis: Shines Light On America’s Faltering Moral Compass

As yet another mass of immigrants are being organized to make the treacherous journey to America’s southern border, as reported by on January 11th, it will further illustrate just how much the illegal immigration crisis is more of a glaring illustration of America’s faltering moral compass.

Silencing Christians

With the Abolishment Of Traditional Christian Morality and Constitutionalism, America Becomes More Secularist and Socialist