
2014: The Year The Truth Became Collateral Damage In The Degradation of America

10. The connection between the White House and the I.R.S in the I.R.S targeting of conservative political groups and individuals. Evidence of what some argue is the greatest act of collusion between the I.R.S and the White House in recent time against the American people.

9. Obama’s plans to shrink the U.S military to pre-World War size. Despite the unprecedented military expansion of Communist China and Russia, and the admission by the Administrations Intelligence Director of the direct threat they pose, Obama still proceeds in the drastic reduction of America’s military.

8. Labor Force Participation Rate for 25-29 Year Olds Hits Record Low. America’s “Millennials” have become M.I.A in today’s American work force. At the same time, it has been an employment bonanza if you are foreign-born.

7. U.S. Regulatory Costs Are World’s No. 10 Economy. Irregardless of the constant cheering of the supposed growth in the monthly national economic reports, even if they are to be taken as true, how greater would the news be if the economy was free from the burden of government?

6. The Administration’s extreme neutering of the nation’s immigration policies is the cause of the illegal immigrant crisis on the southern borders. As the invasion continues, and the Media attempts to place a simple humanitarian face on it, the cost burden to the public education system and cities alone are debilating.

5. Obama knew people would not be able to keep their doctors under Obamacare. What may go down in history as the biggest and most economically crippling act of blatant deception by a president of the United States, Mr. Obama repeatedly told the American and U.S citizens that they would be able to keep their doctors if Obamacare was enacted. He knew it was a lie.

4. Obamacare will increase unemployment ranks and incentivise laziness. OK, if I don’t work or work as little as possible, I can get more money and more health benefits from the government? Who didn’t know how this would end? Really?

3. Obama’s border policies caused EV-D68 enterovirus epidemic. The same year in which thousands of women and children flood into the nation from 3rd world Latin nations, with the minimalist of health screening, and are allowed to scatter throughout the country and into the government schools. And then there is this “mysterious” virus that strikes the schools where many of the immigrants attend. No correlation? Why was there a gag placed on the Border Agents?

2. The architect of Obamacare admits that Obama purposefully lied and deceived the American people to pass Obamacare. The major media outlets, TV and print, did everything to keep this bombshell from the American people. So much for the “gate keepers”.

1. Michael Brown did not have his hands up and attacked police officer Wilson. This has to be the largest production of mass truth distortion in recent history, second to St. Nick living at the North Pole. The facts of this story, via the Grand Jury verdict, did not get in the way of those seeking to transform this nation into chaos and anarchy.

1. America’s oil boom makes U.S less dependent on foreign oil and is the reason for the plummeting gas prices. With America finally becoming oil independent, and reports of Texas alone becoming world’s #2 oil producer, you would think that this would be front page news and be receiving wall to wall coverage by the Media…instead…CRICKETS!

As secularism, the notion of no definitive right or wrong, becomes more accepted and god, the Christian God, is pushed out of public view, there are two quotes that I will leave for you to ponder, Edward Bernays, whom many consider to be the father of propaganda, “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the [public] is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.” and Alfred Adler, founder of the school of Individual Psychology, said “A lie would have no sense unless the truth were felt dangerous.” Those who seek to drive this nation into anarchy and division are working very hard to distort and manipulate the truth. It is up to us to chose if they are successful.

Obama Escalates Scorch-America Policy As His Reign Comes To End

The most recent scandal of the Obama reign regarding the growing humanitarian crisis that is developing on the nation’s southern borders with the unprecedented surge of illegal South American youths, as well the release of 5 high-level Taliban officers from the Guantanamo Bay prison for a captured U.S soldier, after being rejected twice by Congress, must be put in a proper perspective in order to be clearly understood. These and other inexplicable actions by Mr. Obama and his accomplices are not by accident, but an another orchestrated play to dramatically denigrate America’s status and position on every level – politically, socially, internationally, militarily, and most importantly economically – before he vacates the Office.

It should be noted in relation to the Administration’s release of the Taliban prisoners back to return to the battle field is not new, it’s not the first time. It has done so in 2012 and 2013. It was all done quietly by the Administration and without much of a peep from the Establishment Media. But the most recent unlawful release of the 5 of the most dangerous Taliban prisoners for a suspected U.S military deserter, Prvt. Bowe Bergdahl, maybe most disturbing due to the way the Administration’s brazen and extraordinary overt manner in which it chose to execute it. First, it was with a grandiose Rose Garden announcement and production, with hugs, kisses, and tears, while a Marine sits in a Mexican jail and other Americans remain captive in foreign jails unmentioned by Mr. O. Then, the Administration follows that assault of the American people’s sanity with feeble attempts to manipulate and distort the truth with promotions of the exchange being due on moral grounds, for the health of the U.S serviceman, that the 5 Taliban members will not pose any threat to U.S security. Blah, blah, blah, lie, lie, lie. The Administration repeats its pattern of truth deformation, intellectual dishonesty, and blatantly working against the interest of the American people. Then he looks for the Establishment Media for cover. Just as it has done with the Benghazi scandal, the Veterans Administration scandal, the IRS scandal, and other scandals. And the Media is too eager to oblige him with cover and distraction.obama tears constitution

Mr. O is in his last term, with a totally submissive, duplicitous, and complicitous Congress, and a largely apathetic and politically disengaged American populace.  It seems as though the only thing standing in the way of his, and his handlers, fulfillment of sending this nation to 4th-world status and social dysfunction is time, when his term ends.

Even as the most passive spectator looks at the wake of Mr. Obama’s reign in the seat of the Presidency of the United States, he sees a implicit pattern of destruction and decimation of America’s once great foundation and status – here at home and abroad. Obvious proof of his astonishing lack of a positive record of his Administration is how there was not one true accomplishment that he himself ran on in his re-election, and none that any Democrat candidate is running on for their re-election.  And things are looking to get a lot worst, even after the Republicans regain control of the Congress.  Mr. O has made obvious his disdain for Constitutional restraints and his utter contempt for the powers of the Legislative and Judicial Branches of the government. He doesn’t like his plans to be challenged on their merits, via the people’s Representatives. He prefers to rule by pen – Executive Orders and or regulations – like a dictator or king.

The scandal over the Bergdahl exchange for 5 high-level enemy combatants is just the latest atrocity that if one were just dropped from outer space, and witnessed the federal government’s actions over the past 5 plus years, he would think that there had undoubtedly been a coup de tah. A very good argument can be made that this Administration has done little to nothing for the benefit of America or the American people. But with the clock ticking on his dream of fundamental transforming and remaking of this republic, Mr. O seems to be kicking up his efforts up more than a couple notches to do even more damage to the nation.

child-illegalsAfter years of tickling us with opening our nation’s southern borders and allowing a flood of largely low-skilled and uneducated immigrants to enter and stay for the past 4 years, he is now setting the nation a blaze with a purposeful orchestrated assault of hundreds of young immigrants on our nation’s southern border. Due to Mr. O’s Executive Order that allows illegal youths to be free from deportation, its unlikely any of these children being returned to their home. Instead their parents will be sought to join them here. Never-mind if the parents are illegal themselves. Can you say AMNESTY. This naked defilement of the nation’s immigration laws will only add to the already over-whelmed social system due to the need of not only the millions of illegal immigrants here already straining the national economy, via the health system, the penal system, the education system, and the welfare system, but of those legally here. The situation at the border is so serious and grave that the Administration dare not let their actions be known by too many Americans that they’ve placed a gag order over the government agents on the border. With the nation’s labor participation rate for American youths at all-time lows, with 2 out of 3 jobs going to immigrants – legal and illegal -, and Obamacare set to increase the list of the medically uninsured, how can any of this be good for the nation? It can not! Oh as for the youths of the of 90% of the political demographic who so stubbornly voted for “Mr. First African-American President”, twice, the Black-American community, the labor participation rate amongst it’s youth is at a historic low under this Administration. But, according to Mr. O the future of this nation depends on Latin children who are in the nation illegally. To his credit, he does not say that we will have a prosperous nation.

But his disastrous policies to reform America into an unexceptional, lack-luster, dependent nation will have effects that we and the world will be feeling for generations to come. He has saddled us with Himalayan mountain size regulations that retards and disincentivises economic growth and expansion. He’s crippling the primary source of energy of the nation, coal, with his granting the EPA with extraordinary powers to increase regulations on the energy industry that can only end up hitting us in the pockets, at a time that they are feeling lighter and lighter already.

He has long sought to redefine and reconstitute the U.S military, as evidence of his now infamous “apology tour” after his first inauguration. He wants to shrink the nation’s military to pre-WW 2 levels, vacate the role of world military leader, particularly in the Middle East. At the same time Russia are joining forces with Communist China and increasing their fighting capabilities and capacity.

This Administration’s actions has undermined the trust of the American people unlike any since Nixon with its unjustified and dissonant scandals such as the IRS targeting of Americans simply due to political affiliation that seemingly lead right to the steps of 1600 Penn Avenue.

Mr. Obama has without true cause greatly fractured us as a nation. And in so doing is seen as not trustworthy by a majority of the American people. This is the President of the United States the we are talking about folks! We are not just talking about the man who currently occupies the Office, but the cherished and historically exalted institution that is the Presidency of the United States.

But it is not the fault of Mr. O being who and what he is. He is what he is and has always been. He is someone who has an extreme degree of psychological discomfort with America – how it was founded, its dominant position in the world, and, most importantly, its Republican-Constitutional form of government.  It would be extremely apparent if more of us would plow ourselves from the TV programing and just listened to what he was, and is, actually saying and watch his true actions beyond the distraction of the award-winning Media production of “the United States’ First African-American President” that has been played before us and the world. The demise of America has been planned by our enemies since our inception. But it has come to this place and time when there are so many citizens woefully and willfully ignorant of our nation’s history and reason for being that we are like an orphaned infant passing to bosom to bosom blindly being led further and further from its original creation, heritage, and identity.

Just as Ben Franklin remarked after signing the Constitution, We have a Republic, if we can keep it.” Mr. O has repeatedly remarked things such as transforming or remaking America. But, in order to remake or transform anything it has to be first destroyed or torn down. But it is not Mr. Obama’s duty to keep this republic or this nation as it was rightfully constituted. It is not the duty of the Congress. It is inevitably the duty and responsibility of we the people to do so and to be eternally vigilant over the actions of those entrusted to represent us to see that our wishes are properly adhered to; to hold them accountable. After all that is said and done, we have the very government that we want.



Mr. Obama, the Chief Of Plausible Deniability.

The brewing scandal involving the federal government’s Veterans Administration is an culmination of so many different stories, not the least of which is the depiction of someone who is currently occupying the office of the President of the United States being totally incompetent. But for matters having to do with the reformulation of this nation into one being socially divided, economically destitute, or in which expands the federal government’s role into the lives of the American people, Mr. Obama is on point and takes no prisoners.

??????????Just as with other scandals of this Administration such as, the IRS targeting groups and American citizens of the conservative political persuasion, Obamacare not allowing citizens to keep their doctors as he [Obama] personally repeatedly stated otherwise, the covert operation of transferring guns to Mexico [Operation Fast and Furious], the sacking of the U.S Consulate in Libya, and the subsequent killing of the Ambassador and 4 service personnel and then blaming an American citizen and his You Tube movie, and the downing of the military helicopter carrying members of SEAL Team 6 in Afghanistan, who’s credited with the capture of Osama Bin Laden, etc, Mr. O has perfected the playbook of Plausible Deniability.

Obama’s impersonation of Hogan Hero’s Sgt. Schultz, “I know nothing, I know nothing, I know absolutely nothing”, has no rival in recent time of anyone who has occupied the Office. His patented formula is first to deny ever knowing of the occurrence. Second, empathize with the American people. Third, say that he is going to get the bottom of the situation/seek a fall guy. And then get the Establishment Media to take the issue off the front pages and minimize the issue as quickly as possible. Classic! All the while his guards and surrogates are taking and deflecting the arrows, he escapes the fallout, seemingly unscathed. And to too many he’s the hero or the victim, never the instigator or creator of the disturbance or crisis.

If this was your 6 year old being questioned about who ate the last cookie from the cookie jar this may be humorous. But this is the man in the seat of the Presidency of the United States who has made an art form of being conveniently dumb on matters of the most importance to the American people; and of which matters the leader of the Executive Branch and Armed Forces should have full knowledge of. If for all of these critical moments of this Administration Mr. Obama has to go find out what happened, after it has happened, from someone else, maybe we should get that someone to sit in the seat. For evidently this position is too much for Mr. Obama. Or is it that there are some aspects of this position that just doesn’t interest him? He was famous for largely voting “present” during his very, very, very, brief time as legislator.

I can not think of any other position in the country in the private sector that such a production of incompetence and unaccountability of a CEO or department head would be so tolerated. But seemingly many citizens of the United States and of America are more concerned with whom the Lakers are going to draft or who’s on “The Price Is Right” than the fact the President is a liar. Because of each of the events mentioned, after claiming that he [Obama] had no knowledge of the issue in question, it was later revealed that he did have full knowledge. Usually with little or no fanfare or deep interest from the Media.

What’s most disturbingly interesting aspect is that Mr. O was slow to comment on any of these issues, but he could not speak quickly enough on the matter of a court case involving a single black youth shooting death, Treyvon Martin, whose accuser was later cleared, in Fla., or when an obscure basketball player announced he was gay, and he seems to have no trouble finding time to appear on ESPN to announce his Final 4 NCAA Basketball Brackets selection. Additionally, we all know that he is the biggest champion for illegal immigrants flooding into the nation. But for the nation’s military veterans and other relatively important national issues, such as the unsustainable government debt, the unprecedented number of Americans not working, and how the nation’s lowering standard of living  being a consequence of Obamacare, he dives into obfuscation, word manipulation, and blatant dishonesty.

In a recent poll most Americans honestly believe that Mr. Obama lies to us on important issues and many of us do not trust either the Congress nor the Establishment Media – those who are supposed to inform us when the government goes astray. Folks, this ain’t good for the future of our nation!

What is most astonishing is not that Mr. Obama and his Administration repeatedly and unabashedly lies to us, the citizens of America and of the United States, but that we allow it to do so with impunity.   This is the same guy who got re-elected by a majority of the voting citizenry for his final term.  Therefore he is unrestrained with concerns of being re-elected. The government is a reflection of us as a nation. How far are we as a supposed nation of free individuals continue to remain so when so many take no responsibility to be eternally vigilant of the government, that we have granted so much power and authority, and hold it to the highest expectation of ethics and accountability, and therefore takes no responsibility or accountability for ourselves?

The disgraceful scandal that is on stage in the nation’s capital that now so vividly shows how it can bring tragic harm and affliction to those who we claim to cherish and praise so much for giving so much of themselves to keep those who dare threatens our freedoms from outside [the military veterans].  Imagine how it [the government] will treat us, those who have surrendered so much of our supposed cherished freedoms? We have chosen the government that we have. May god have mercy on us.

America, Where Is Your Outrage?!

On February 26 I read a disturbing report in the Washington Free Beacon, titled The Imperial Presidency. It was on the Congressional Hearing, “Enforcing the President’s Constitutional Duty to Faithfully Execute the Laws,” regarding the extremely troublesome overreach of Mr. Obama and his Executive Branch’s use of power with little regard or respect to the other branches of the constitutional federal government. I read of the testimony by Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University Jonathan Turley saying, “that the expansion of executive power is happening so fast that America is at a “constitutional tipping point.” WOW!

Three things struck me regarding the article. One, was the title. I don’t know about you, but imperialism shouldn’t ever be a term so boldly used in reference to the President of the United States. Two, that such a renowned and learned professor at one of the nations best educational institutions, who himself is a self-omitted Democrat Party and Obama supporter, is, and has been, sounding the alarms regarding this man’s policy’s harmful effects on the nation. He voiced what many of us have been silently struggling with when he said – “What also alarms me, however, is that the two other branches appear not just simply passive, but inert in the face of this concentration of authority.” This nation has survived for some 200 plus years with the people able to enjoy our purported cherished freedoms and liberties due to the Constitutional Checks and Balances between the 3 Branches of government. But if a Branch(es) decide to not fight to check the others over-reach, there is no longer any balance. The submissive Branch(es) run the risk of becoming “superfluous.” And it is at the citizen’s freedoms peril. What’s most concerning for me, is the deafening silence from the Established Media on this testimony and the lack of any visible robust protest or outrage by the people of America.

But as I look over the nations landscape, even the most intellectually uninitiated person would agree that this nation is not heading in the right direction on so many fronts. And though an argument can be made that the tide has been turning against this nation for some time, little argument can be made that since Mr. O’s historic ascension to the Presidency the knots have been turned up extraordinarily. But yet, public apathy and silent acquiescence seems to reign over the consciousness of a majority of the American people.

Here are just a sample of other issues that seem to not be getting the serious attention and interest of the American people regarding the actions of the government of the United States under Mr. Obama:

Hey, but this all could just be a big coincidence or misunderstanding. Besides, Mr. Obama is the country’s first true African-American U.S President. So, all is good. Right? Don’t worry. What time is American Idol? When is the next NFL of sports event? Matters of politics are too burdensome for me to care.

There seems to be a great silent majority of Americans who instinctively are aware that there is something terribly wrong with the direction of the nation. My question is why are we silent? The minority amongst us seem to find energies to muster their agenda. Why not the majority? Is it fear of being mischaracterized or called names, via the Media’s propaganda? Martin Luther King, Jr. prophetically stated, Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

The great illusion that is perpetrated by the Progressives and enemies to all that America is and stands for, is that their kind of “change” is inevitable. That it is us [the majority] who must conform. It is only our [the majority’s] acceptance of their vision or version of change that makes it become reality. Silent government acquiescence, no matter what the reason or intent, only means agreement to the actions of the government, no matter how insignificant or grand, or benevolent or cold-hearted. As James Madison said, The citizens of the United States are responsible for the greatest trust ever confided to a political society. If justice, good faith, honor, gratitude and all the other qualities which ennoble the character of a nation and fulfill the ends of government be the fruits of our establishments, the cause of liberty will acquire a dignity and lustre, which it has never yet enjoyed, and an example will be set, which cannot but have the most favourable influence on the rights of Mankind. If on the other side, our governments should be unfortunately blotted with the reverse of these cardinal virtues, the great cause which we have engaged to vindicate, will be dishonored and betrayed; the last and fairest experiment in favor of the rights of human nature will be turned against them; and their patrons and friends exposed to be insulted and silenced by the votaries of tyranny and usurpation.”

Only you can decide.

America Just Experienced The Greatest Transfer of U.S Governmental Economic Power With Barely A Peep: The illusion of financial sanity is no more.

February 13, 2014 will go down in U.S-American history as the day the government of the United States officially revealed to the American people that it is truly not interested in reestablishing a solvent economic policy for the nation.  Thursday, while much of the nation was distracted with snow storms and the Winter Olympics, the Senate, with a crucial assist by the leader of the supposed opposition Party Mitch McConnell, passed a debt limit bill minus any limits for 13 months.  And I mean no limits!  The so-called opposition Party, the Party that has a majority in the House, they control the money of the government, the Party that traditionally is to be for a limited and economical sound government, placed no conditions in the bill at all to express either.  None!  Zip!  Zero! Nada!

The federal debt is already at over $17 Trillion, over $6 Trillion of which is due to Mr. Obama alone.  If you include the government’s unfunded promises, such as Medicare, government retiree and Social Security payouts, the debt is closer to $90 Trillion.  And still the figure doesn’t include the whooper of a bill that Obamacare, who’s full implementation keeps being unilaterally delayed for political favor, will lay on the taxpayers for generations to come.  And now the Congress gives Mr. O, a man who once declared that, “We [the government] don’t have a spending problem.”, carte blanche to use the wealth of the citizens of the United States however he sees fit for nearly 400 days?  Really?!  That’s tantamount to giving a fat kid the key to a candy mall for a weekend, hoping to cure his craving for sweets.  Good luck with that!

obama and speakerIf we were watching this at the movies we would all be saying this is a setup and that the heads of the two Parties, who are supposed to be bitter enemies, are in cahoots on the down-low.  But, this is for real!  But if so many of the American people weren’t so distracted and on some form of mental depressant we could see that the National Political Party’s collusion is the only thing that makes any sense.  Mr. Obama is in what is supposed to be his “lame duck” period, where he no longer has the same juice as if he were actually going to be running for another term.  He has been embroiled in controversy after controversy, and scandal after scandal.  He makes Bill Clinton’s reign seem pedestrian.  His name is affixed to his signature bill [Obamacare] that the voters overwhelmingly dislike and will wreck this nation economically for decades.  He shows the Congress no respect at all by writing his own laws, by Executive Orders and enacting administrative mandates/regulations that circumvents the Congress and are disadvantageous to the country.  And his approval ratings have never been lower.  But, yet the Republican Elites can’t seem to be able to detach their lips from Mr. O’s ring…as well as some other places of his body.  The question for the people of America is why?

Currently the average U.S Taxpayer owes nearly $150,000 for the debt of the federal government.  The consequences of the Republican leadership’s, and the Congress as a whole, sellout of the American people is reprehensible and unconscionable with respect to the future of America.  Though $90 Trillion seems like an exorbitant number that is nearly impossible to get one’s head around, just think that it was $6 Trillion less some 5 years ago.  We did not get here over night, but further acts of gross financial nonfeasance and just out right economic theft of the financial solvency of America’s posterity sure is not the answer.  If that is the intent, that is.

The troubling aspects of all this is the gross disinterest from the Media – not just on this issue, but any of the motives behind the actions of this man who sits in the most powerful seat in the world.  The fact that there seems to be no longer even a pretense of a true opposition Party at the federal level, the American people have a choice now of  the bad and the worst of the Parties – particularly if you are of the conservative political persuasion.  But, the most troublesome is the deafening silence of any genuine protest from the people for the blatant confiscation of more and more their rights, liberties, and property, i.e., wages, via higher taxation, that so many have died for.  If the government were to levy a tax of 25% on each of our cable bills, I dare think of the uproar that would ensue from coast to coast. But, for an increase on a bill that is already at $150,000 on the Taxpayers now and will become an even greater burden on our next generations to come…there’s ambivalence.

Ronald Reagan prophetically stated that, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction”. In the wild the lion and the hyena are not friends, but they will feast off the same carcass for their mutual self-interests.  Are the American people the carcass of the political elites?.  If we don’t wake up from our induced stupor our freedoms and liberties for ourselves today and our children tomorrow will be no more.  The choice is ours.