
The Radical Gay Agenda Spreads: You Will Be Made To Care.

On May 10 2012, a date that will truly live in infamy. Mr. Barack Hussein Obama became the first sitting U.S President to endorse Same-Sex unions and legally brand it marriage. His utterance and his actions since have sent ripples throughout the nation, and the world. Even if you are one who is politically uninitiated or believe that matters of politics don’t effect you, you will inevitably be effected.

One can not but be a stunned witness to the consequences of the unprecedented endorsement of the Chief Executive. From schools offering “gender neutral” restrooms, to the abolishment of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and the Defense of Marriage Act, to the proliferation of more overt gay and lesbian depictions on TV, in every form from cartoon to Reality TV, the gay, lesbian, and even transgender lifestyle is being presented as on par or equal with that of the heterosexual lifestyle. Once staunch pro-traditional lifestyle choice organizations such as, the American Boy Scouts and more recently the American Presbyterian Church have been moved, pushed, or dragged to accept and endorse the alternative life-style and same-sex marriage.

May God have mercy on anyone who dares to express the slightest displeasure or disagreement in this radical societal transformation and attempts to stand ground on traditional American Christian principles. The wrath of naked intolerance will besiege you, unmercifully.  Just ask former Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich who was forced to resign for his donation to an winning California campaign against same-sex marriage, some four years prior. Ask business owners such as Crystal O’Connor co-owner of Memories Pizzeria in Indiana, some 20 miles from South Bend, who has been forced to close because she simply told a news reporter, who was desperately seeking a story, that she would not cater a gay wedding. When was the last wedding that you went to that served pizza? Ask Aaron Klein former owner of Sweet Cakes By Melissa, a family-owned Christian bakery in Oregon, who was forced to close down because they could not bake cake for a lesbian couple – who were regular clients – because of their religious convictions. Or even today’s display of rabid intolerance by the extreme sect of the homosexual community, or those causing chaos in their name, of anyone simply expressing disagreement with their choice of life-style – the fight over States passing Religious Freedom & Restoration Act [RFRA]. States are simply applying what is already a federal law to their States in order to specifically limit the governments ability to infringe on the religious interest of the it’s citizens – ALL OF IT’S CITIZENS. I thought that the Constitution of the united States already did that. It may be just my confusion.

What is most interesting with this issue is that RFRA was sponsored by Democrat Senator Chuck Schemer, past overwhelmingly by Congress, and signed with much fanfare by Democrat President Bill Clinton in 1993 in order to protect the religious rights of Native American Indians to practice their religious ceremonies from government intrusion. It had nothing, and has nothing, to do with the homosexual nor gay life-style. The words referring to homosexual, gay, lesbian, transgender, or any coded language specifically referring to any group of citizen’s sexual orientation, or any orientation for that matter, can not be found in the law. And it has never been used to infringe on the rights of gays or lesbians. But, it was in the Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision of June of last year that RFRA saved Hobby Lobby from having to sacrifice it’s moral code and be forced by the federal government’s Obamacare mandate to provide birth control pills. Huumm!

If one were dropped into America from out of space and watched the news over the past 6 or so years he would think that gays and homosexuals were being rounded up and slaughtered, publicly lynched and flogged, stoned by citizens at their very sight, and economically being depressed. But the truth and facts are much less dramatic. The gay and lesbian community are statistically more educated and earn more than their heterosexual counterparts, according to 2013 U.S News report. And according to the 2012 F.B.I Hate Crimes Statistics, less than 20% of crimes were due to one’s sexual orientation, while nearly 50% was due to one’s race. Also if one did not know any better, due to the gross propaganda by the Media and Entertainment Complex, one would think that the Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, & Transgender [LGBT] community was a dominant persuasion in the nation. In fact the LGBT community makes up just less than 4% of the nation’s population. But due to the mass saturation of liberal progressive Media’s false stories and orchestrated discourse, one would think that it is Christians who are out seeking homosexuals and terrorizing them.

Due to the increased secularization of the culture, not just in America, but in Europe, the Gay Movement has been growing, with muted opposition. But since the appointment of Mr. Obama as Chief Executive and President of the U.S, their agenda has gone into warped speed. And with the literal abandonment of the defense of traditional social values by the National Republican party, the radial Progressive Left has been successful in dividing the nation and causing chaos. Some could successfully argue that the recent favor of the LGBT community by the National Democrat party has more to do with politics than principles, or a coming to Jesus moment. The coffers of the federal and States, and even Big Business, stand to benefit greatly due to the legalization of same-sex unions, according to a 2012 CNN Money report.

The seemingly exclusive targeting of those of the Christian persuasion can not be overlooked. Particularly under this Administration, anything Christian has been treated like the red-headed stepchild who was birthed by accident. Under this Administration Christians have been placed on the same list as Hamas and Al-Qaida as enemies of the State by the Military and terrorist by Homeland Security. Coupled with the further feminization of the nation’s culture and personality, fewer of American youths have truly positive masculine role models or ideals to emulate. The Clint Eastwoods and Sidney Poitiers of generations past have been replaced with Rue Pauls. The days of speaking stern grounded in principle, has given way to speaking softly charged with emotional impulses, so as not to possibly offend someone. And the strong hard nose father figures have been largely castrated by submitting to the illogical popular notion that the traditional role of the woman equates to servitude. Moralism, defining right and wrong, has become an issue of feelings and comfort, rather than beliefs and principles to too many Americans, particularly the youths. It is past time for the “silent majority” to stop being so silent.

The radial gay agenda is being propagated via fear, intimation, and false truths, not principle or strength of position.  The LGBT people could have put all of this energy behind a movement to pass Civil Unions. But, they chose, and were guided, to the path of most resistance, confrontation, and that would cause the most division. The institution of marriage is more than a governmental franchise, it has roots in the Bible, and many other books of religion. It has one main purpose that has been long recognized that defines it – procreation. The assault on the institution of marriage and Christendom are intertwined. It is about their destruction.  And with it, goes the foundation on which this great nation surpassed all others.  Just as gay activist Masha Gessen frankly admitted, “The push for gay marriage has less to do with the right to marry – it is about diminishing and eventually destroying the institution of marriage and redefining the ‘traditional family.‘” And more importantly, as Mr. O promised to fundamentally transform this nation, he’s not doing it as much economically, but by social re-engineering. Real fundamental change comes from changing how we see each other, how we relate to one another, and changing the common values we hold true. Our foundation, our strength, has always originated in the church – particularly the Judeo-Christian Church. Whether you attend church or not, those principles are woven throughout our the society. The abolishment of moral values or absolutes and making the issue of truth irrelevant in our society negatively effects us all.  As Alexis de Tocqueville, 1800’s French political thinker and historian, prophetically stated, “I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors and her ample rivers – and it was not there.. . in her fertile fields and boundless forests and it was not there . . . in her rich mines and her vast world commerce – and it was not there . . . in her democratic Congress and her matchless Constitution – and it was not there. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.”

At the end of the day, it is up to you to chose the future of this nation.

The Fundamental Re-Education of America Rages On Un-Abated

As the debates over same-sex marriage and the illegal-immigration of Mexicans are visible as lead distractions, there is something troubling that intertwine these issues that’s going unbeknownst to most of the American populace.  From the man who was to be crowned U.S president promised “to fundamentally transform this nation [America]”, things appear to be proceeding to that end. 

A couple of things have caught my eye that by themselves may seem innocuous, but combined not so much. A recent Rasmussen Poll shows that only 35% of likely U. S voters believe that the nation is going the right direction. A Pew Research Survey reports that incredibly 30% of American adults under 30 years of age now identify themselves as having no religious affiliation – In the last five years alone, there has been an increase from aprox. 15% to 20% of all adults.  And in 2009 in the Muslim nation of Turkey Mr. Obama proclaimed, as the President of the United States and the representative of the people of America, that, “We [Americans] do not consider ourselves a Christian nation.” Really? Isn’t that something inappropriate for a U.S president to say while on foreign soil?  Or is it just me?

What these three indicators detail is bubbling crisis that is threatening our nation’s fundamental social structure – our basis of belief, values, and identity.  While the majority of us clearly recognize that there is something very wrong with the country, we feel powerless to do anything about it.  Too many of us have become helpless spectators to the most significant dismantling of an empire since Ancient Rome. And in so doing have left the most vulnerable amongst us to the whims of the tide of political and social disorder – the nation’s next generation.

It is said that the greatest trick of the Devil was to make others believe that God never existed.  Would the day come when Americans showing no evidence of the existence of God or morality in their lives, or do not reflect the existence and relevance of the founding documents such as the Constitution in their lives be even more remarkable and stunning?  I would say yes!  And would too say that the He is getting ready to take a bow.

When you have reports of an actual “ex” anti-American terrorist, Bill Ayers, who has actually been allowed to teach as an Illinois State College Professor before thousands of American students, who is a long-time friend and mentor of  Mr. Obama, unabashedly boasts before a crowd that its good that America is on the decline; that the federal government’s regulation and management over the lives of it’s citizens and Americans are at unprecedented levels; and read repeated stories of the increasing disengagement and apathy of many of Americans, in particular the youth, in the affairs of politics and the workings of the government you would have say WTF?.  It is as though someone has spike the air over our nation to cause the incremental dismantling of the nation’s foundations of religious principles, family values, and the strong sense of self-responsibility and self-governance not directly by any foreign force, but by our very own hands. 

There is a silent battle for the minds of the young of America in the government schools and through the Media.  The evidence is in full view even for the most passive observer.  It didn’t just began with Mr. O’s claim to “Fundamentally transform America” on the eve of his first election. And it is not just about transforming our economic system, or even our political system, but transforming what we believe in – pride in our history, our traditions, or culture, or belief system – that which makes us what we are.

At a time in which the U.S government is in more than $16 Trillion in debt, is spending more than a Trillion more than in brings in annually, and the Federal Reserve is printing out more than $200 Billion daily, thus further weakening America, Mr. Obama appears to have no serious will or desire to work to correct these critical issues.  But, what he has sought is to be the flag bearer and point man with all the vigor and fortitude of General Sherman through Georgia  to create the notion of “free” healthcare, bring homo-sexuality statutorily on par with heterosexuality, diminish or destroy the traditional American principle of personal responsibility and Christian foundation, and the make America unexceptional.

Irregardless of what Mr. O says, the fruits that his actions and governance has brought forth and ignited upon this once great nation an era of unprecedented government dependence and lack of self-governance, severe resistance to fundamental Christian and American traditions, and the quickening of America’s long-term domestic and international economic value of which may not be quickly, if ever, reversed.

What Mr. O has undoubtedly realized and has come to understand, just as other past historical observers of America, is that America is not great because of our great military, our even financial institutions, but our moral foundation, our Constitutional governance, and our social infrastructure, i.e., our family moral values, that makes us exceptional as a nation of people.  We our morphing into a nation of no societal absolutes, where any action is just simply based on how it makes us feel.  Matters of ethics and right or wrong are irrelevant.  Where 200 plus years of history as a nation which has withstood the test of time and prospered beyond imagination, stubbornly grounded in Judo-Christian principles, has been the shiny light on the hill welcoming nation-people from all over to be free, stood as a nation of laws not men, and believing that one should be able to work hard for what he wants and desire with limited interference from government, is now to be considered to be passé’?. 

There is a new norm developing where traditional American moral and social scales are said to be not only wrong, but unjust and almost criminal. But, it is and has always been our nation’s grounded morality that has given us providence. Have we floundered at times?  Of course just as all nations of Man.  As we shall do so again.  But in all of the nations today, what of them would not want to change places given not of decrepit current state, but of our underused and unrealized promise of liberty for all that is the foundation of our nation’s existence?

As for the question of if we are a Christian nation, I say this, in all of my readings of America’s founding I can see nothing speaking to anything but Christianity and “Divine Providence”.  I see no mention of Buddha, Mohammed, Judaism, or any other Prophet or religion as a guiding principle. When I read the Constitution and Declaration of Independence I see no other religion basis other than that of Christendom. And when I visited our nation’s capital all I see are references to the Judo-Christian theology as our nation’s guiding moral principles.  So if it not Christendom that we as a nation are to use as our basis, than what?  Why are we to say that having a stern moral and religious compass is no longer relevant or extreme?

Just as a few great people of our past have taken accounting of the extreme importance of a stern moral grounding such as the nation’s first President George Washington said, “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest prop of the duties of men and citizens. The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them. A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity. Let it simply be asked: Where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice? And let us with caution indulge in the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle… Observe good faith and justice toward all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all. Religion and morality enjoin this conduct; and can it be that good policy does not equally enjoin it?”  and as Douglas MacArthur said prophetically, “History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a spiritual awakening to overcome the moral lapse, or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster.”

Our nation’s history is still being written by us. We can have it tell of how a nation rose to great economic heights by Divine Providence to crash as one with no moral societal absolutes.  We can choose to have it tell of how the oldest and only Constitution that distinctly recognizes Divine authority and governance proclaiming that all men are to have their right to their life, their liberties, and their pursuit of happiness is now irrelevant and immaterial.  We can choose to have it tell of how we were passive witnesses to the destruction of the greatest experiment of human self-governance or of its rebirth. It matters not what Man is called president, Governor, or Senator, the choice is ours – people of America.

The Sexual-Orientation & Illegal-Immigration Movement Are the Greatest Moral Issues in America in Generations: They will forever define this nation’s moral identity.

Here we go again. We are purposely being distracted from real issues that can actually bring this nation out of the worst economic downturn since the ’29 Depression to expend energies on an issue that wasn’t on anyone’s map before the Media and the Administration put it there. Kinda like the healthcare “crisis” that made it crucial for the government to ram Obama-care down our throats; or the financial “crisis” that made it crucial that the government pass the Dodd-Frank financial over haul with scant public exposure.

Now Mexico being located to the south of us and like-gender individual’s relationships have now been thrust up the sleeping American people for yet another “crisis” that the United States government has to solve. But unlike Obama-care and Dodd-Frank that will have negative economic reverberations for generations to come, the issues regarding the illegal-immigration, of Mexicans in particularly, and same-sex marriage is a seismic social earthquake of mega-tone proportions that will forever change the nation’s moral landscape.

The government directly creating a crisis and or creating the environment for a crisis for it to inevitably offer the solution to move the American people into a direction that benefits its longing for power and control is nothing new. A very good argument can be made that the move of many Black Americans from free man to slave was for the political benefit of the government, specifically the Democrat Party, in concert with big business and the Church. The solution of the government was then to prescribe a new political status and classification, Civil Rights and the U.S Citizen. And we all know how unified we are due to that. Don’t we?

Maybe its only fitting that we as a nation find ourselves again struggling with the government attempting to provide another solution dealing with governmental status and classification, whether someone is to be identified as being legally illegible to receive government privileges and how much the government can benefit from such illegibility. Don’t fool yourself folks the government increasing its tax base and expanding its power and control over its Citizens is what this is really all about. .

Several liberal Media pundits have already spilled the beans about how the government would financially benefit by reclassifying marriage to include same-sex persons. What many of us may not be aware of is the fact that gays and lesbians generally earn more money than Hetero-Sexuals. Also, it has been reported that reforming the immigration system would actually cost the Social Security Administration Billions due to the fact as things stand now though millions of illegal-immigrants pay into Social Security, the Administration doesn’t have to pay out to them. Wonder why we don’t see millions of illegal-immigrants demanding to be U.S Citizens or millions of gays and lesbians demanding to be regulated by the government like their hetero-sexual counterparts marching across the nation? Its simply because this is a government initiated cause. And when the people most of the several states have voted they have fervently voted against illegal-immigration and the redefining of marriage to include same-sex persons.

There are two facts that are indisputable regarding these two issues legally according to the government’s own law, and they are in Black’s Law Dictionary 2ndEd. marriage is defined, as distinguished from the agreement to marry and from the act of becoming married, Is the civil status of one man and one woman united in law for life, for the discharge to each other and the community of the duties legally incumbent on those whose associationis founded on the distinction of sex.” And according to theFederal Immigration and Nationality Act Section 8 USC 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii), “Any person who . . . encourages or induces an alien to . . . reside . . . knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such . . . residence is . . . in violation of law, shall be punished as provided . . . for each alien in respect to whom such a violation occurs . .. fined under title 18 . . . imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.” If these are laws and precedents that have lasted for as long as this nation has been in existence, and now all of the sudden the government itself is seeking to subjugate them, rather than have an open and honest discussion about them with us the people to possibly have the laws changed or amended, one has to ask, what is really going on? The government chooses to engage in dishonest, divisive, and manipulative propaganda.The government chooses to not reduce the red tape, onerous regulations, and massive bureaucracy that causes the horrific backlog that keeps so many wanting and qualified immigrants from LEGALLY coming to and staying in America, and not to rightly enforce its current immigration laws. And it chooses to not simply leave marriage defined as what it has always been in this country and dating as far back as Ancient Rome – a union between a man and a woman to promote procreation and a stable society – and create another political status, Civil Union, with its own governance and qualifications. It chooses to seek to have intellectually vacant arguments and attempts to redefine terms and words such as, what is is. What is a man? What is legal? And what is marriage? Despite the government’s propaganda, this issue is not about “equality”, but political status and classification for both the financial and political benefit of the government. As Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas truthfully stated, “Government cannot make us equal; it can only recognize, respect, and protect us as equal before the law.”

It is interesting that the one political party that has been the instigator in America’s most divisive social movements has been the Democratic Party. And like in the past, a combination of politics, big business, and the church, are instigative parties in these movements.  I’m not saying. I’m just saying.

The great hazard of frivolously and loosely choosing to redefining words and customs that have stood for generations and centuries with little regard of the consequences to the society as a whole is to question is anything sacred? Are there any longer any absolutes? Can we any longer definitively claim what is acceptable and not acceptable? How do we stand up and say no if no is no longer clearly definable? How can we then say this is right and this is wrong or that this is good and this bad? And is is is?

Alexis de Tocqueville once prophetically stated, “America is great because America is good. If America ever ceases to be good it will cease to be great.” This is what this battle is about. America’s moral soul. And how our next generations will view issues of morality. In truth, there is little light between what effects social issues and what effects economic issues. They are both of the same stick. It is only our fundamentally sound moral compass that keeps us from one day awakening to a nation engulfed in flames. It is ultimately up to us to chose.