
Barack Obama’s “Innocent” Presidency


Don't tell anyone that it was me.

Don’t tell anyone that it was me.

Imagine for a moment that you have a young child, and you are attempting to solve the problem of the vanishing cookies. When you question your child, for whom you love dearly, he demonstratively denies that it is he who has taken the cookies.  He is telling you that it is lit’l Johnny, the young boy from next door, with whom he is closely acquainted.  But, as he is passionately attempting to convince you of his innocence, you cannot help but to notice that in the corner of his mouth appears to be chocolate chip cookie residue, the same type of cookies that are missing. And that there is an empty glass tucked behind his desk that appears to have milk film in it.  Your ears are telling you that you need to keep lit’l Johnny out of your house.  But, your eyes are telling that your beloved child is a liar. Question is which are you to believe?  Which one do you want to believe?

This analogy to me closely describes Mr. Barack Obama’s nearly 8 years in the most powerful political office in the world. As poll after poll tells us that the majority of Americans believe that nation is headed in the wrong direction socially, economically, and nationally.  There are more young Americans unemployed and under-employed in recent history.  The image of the U.S military is that of an aging tiger, that is no longer feared by our enemies, nor trusted by our traditional friends.   Most Americans no longer have any faith or trust in the nation’s institutions – political, religious, or Media.  And there’s chaos and mayhem in the streets of Americans fighting and are being divided over racial discrimination, sexual orientation, political affiliation, religious affiliation, and economic status, at levels no time in the nation’s history.  Even in our nation’s darkest moments history tells us that we the people could come together under one God, one flag, one common language, and or one national identity.  No one can say this today. And yet, according to popular opinion, it is not the fault of the man in the Office, nor his policies.  A man who use to organize political and social chaos and mayhem for a living, before entering the political arena.  Amazing!!

To listen to Mr. O talk about any of the grievous issues that face the nation, you hear him either blame the cause on the Republican Party, his predecessor’s policies, G.W Bush, or he reaches from his behind and pulls out another here before unknown culprit as explanation.  But, it is never, ever, never, ever, ever, himself, nor his policies, the cause of issues that currently face the nation.  It is never he who is the reason that cookie jar is now empty.  And what is most disturbing, the institution that the Founders intended to be the gatekeepers, to alert the people if the governmental creators should misbehave, the Media, is blatantly complicit at best in the government’s treacherous actions, or gross sympathizers and enablers at worst.

His 8-year presidency has been so bad that the current Democrat Presidential contender, Hillary Clinton, dares to boastfully run on any of his pillar policy achievements, in particularly his signature ones – Dodd-Frank or the Affordable Care Act [Obamacare].  In fact, she keeps screaming how bad things are; after nearly 8 years of democrat governance.  And she boast how she can make things better; while quietly planning to follow similar, if not the same, political ideology as Mr. O. She is likely to expand his political social transformation in an even more Saul Alinsky-like manner due to the fact that she actually knew the man and studied under him.  She’ll attempt to take more from the “haves”, to give to the “have nots”.  Or as Karl Marx stated, “Take from those based on their ability, to give to those based on their needs”. And as the nation follows the spiraling course of other socialist/communist governments who believe that it is central government rule, and not free people’s enterprise, that creates everlasting prosperity. She will seek to blame some obscure villain, rather that of her failed ideological policies.

The nation has been under the reign of Mr. O and the Democrat Party for nearly 8 years!  And yet everyone, even the soon-to-be head of his party, member of his party, and his myrmidons, is hard pressed to champion any single great accomplishment that has added to the nation’s wellbeing and prosperity.  But what the vast majority seemingly can concur is that things are not going good today, at all.  Question is, when does the failing condition of the patient [the nation] become the fault or responsibility of the doctor [Mr. O] who’s been caring for him?

The next time you should hear Mr. Obama, or any of his supporters, attempt to stridently claim that the decline of our standard of living and feeling of anxiety in the current and future path of the nation is the fault of someone or something else, and you start to question your eyes over your ears, and therefore maybe even your sanity, take a long glance at these 10 interesting/disturbing facts about Mr. O’s reign as U.S president:

The American people are hurting like in no other time in our history.  The house is ablaze. The neighbors and friends [other nation citizens] have come banging on our doors to warn us on the impending danger, because they have had their house burned down before in similar manner.  But the fire chief [Mr. O], and the Media, is telling us to go back in, all is fine. Ignore the naysayers. No worries.

The 8 years of Mr. Obama’s reign as the president of the United States will undoubtedly be viewed by future historians as the most polarizing, when the nation was truly fundamentally transformed socially, economically, and politically.  Our intuitive defenses were numbed by the relentless bombardment of political correctness. And seemingly the origin of the unprecedented mass disruption could not me be affixed to Mr. O. Like Houdini’s escape from the locked box deeply immersed underwater unscathed, Mr. Obama will leave office having set fire to America with a near 50% overall approval from the citizens of the United States.  Damn he’s good!

The question that will asked by those historians…How could this have happened?  How did we allow it to happen?





U.S Politics: Stupid Is The New Cool

The great 1800’s German author and statesman Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once stated, “Nothing is as terrible to see as ignorance in action”. I do believe that he would be more than deeply sadden at the political and social culture present in today’s America. We have two political parties who at the top seemingly differ little in ideology. Unfortunately that ideology goes counter to the fundamental principles of the Founders of the nation; that of limit government led by Judeo-Christain principles. Coupled with a populace that appears to be more engaged with what is going on with the Kardashians than what’s going with the Clinton’s, the Trumps, or the Obama’s, things look to become more worrisome for the nation.

We have become too numb to late night comedians and commentary analyst doing street surveys of the average citizens knowledge on basic American history and civics, from who won the Revolutionary War to who is the President of the United States, and barely 4% knowing the correct answers. And to many it is a joke, a laughing matter. I dare say that only a couple of generations ago this would have been shameful and embarrassing. Its become acceptable and cool to not know consequential or non-frivolous matters today. The traditional American drive to be exceptional, to be the best, and to be knowledgeable of the most basics of the nation’s history and civics, has been all but marginalize as though it were vinyl records or family dinners at the table. We are being dumbed down as a nation. Standards throughout our society and culture are being lowered to the lowest decibel. The reverence for our culture has too diminished greatly. It starts with the government educational system placing more emphasis on protecting esteem, via political correctness, and indoctrinating cultural secularism, rather than teaching the 7 sciences and American civics.

The Citizens of the United States have twice elected a man who was never publicly pressed on his affiliation with Marxist/Socialist persons, such as Frank Marshal Davis and Saul Alinsky, or his preference to Marxist ideology that he openly expressed in his own books and speeches. Not to mention his being less than honest in his presentation of his agenda establishing single-payer healthcare, via Obamacare, and “fundamentally transforming” this nation. But, he speaks well. He is young and hip. And lets not forget that he is the first true African-U. S Citizen to become President. What else could matter?  We really need to get down to the truth about Tom Brady and that deflated football, eh!

Out of the entire Democrat Party it could only get an unapologetic Socialist, Barney Sanders, and another Alinsky disciple Hillary Clinton, who too has demonstrated a severe aversion to the truth; regarding her “lost papers” at Rhodes Law Firm, her public Benghazi Attack narrative, of it being due to a little known YouTube video, and with her unlawful “private” email system as Secretary of State, to run for the Presidency. Really?! Can it be little wonder that the Democrat Party has strategically scheduled few debates to showcase their prime candidates and placed them on the weekends? During the debates they can only argue which one can grant the citizenry more tokens from the treasury, that will have to be borrowed from our enemies. Thus leaving the nation as a whole more financially destitute and unsafe. But hey, the government can print more money. Right? It’s all about me and mine today. No worries. Right?

And as for the Republican side, they have a twenty-time billionaire TV personality with an extreme inferiority complex, much like Mr. O, to head line it’s Party’s Presidential Candidates line, Donald Trump. And like Mr. O, he presents a catchy campaign line, “I’ll Make America Great Again!” He’s extremely vague on policy specifics-the how. When challenged, he seeks to personally attack and destroy the challenger, rather than defend his position on the substance or merit. And he too has developed a massive cult-like following of enablers, defenders, and people who just want to be a part of the show. Kinda Alinsky-like,hmm?.  The issue of character, moral governance, or whether of not one can actually govern as mandated by the Constitution, and is qualified to be the representative of the people of America is seemingly irrelevant to too many of the populace today. We do not care. Trump is hip, vociferously demonstrative as he says what many feel has gone publicly unspoken within politics.  And he has good hair. What else does one need to be the President of the United States today? Right?

Hosea 4:6 says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because thou hast rejected knowledge,…” Too many of us no longer want to know anything, but that which is easily understandable, frivolous, convenient, superficial, or trivial and most important fun. One can leave a stack a books related to politics, finances, history, and religion on the streets of many of America today and it would be untouched next week.  While arguably 75% of the population is financially illiterate, do not know the proper functions of the 3 Branches of the U.S government, can not tell you who fought in the War of 1812, and believe that religion is measured on moral equivalency.  Confining learning between the school walls is cool today. This has become acceptable. But this phenomena doesn’t just happen. Where people wantingly begets wanting knowledge. It starts in the educational system. It is edified through the Entertainment and Establishment Media complex. And then it is enabled in the homes and churches.

Founding Father Benjamin Franklin prophetically warned, “A nation of well informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins.”

If we as a nation wantingly continue to only be knowledgeable of matters of triviality, thus surrendering knowledge of matters of importance and consequence, and the responsibility that comes, to someone else, or the government, we can not expect to free.




America Is Still Conservative and Republican in 2015, Despite U.S Government’s Desires Otherwise

It maybe hard to believe that after 60 plus years of the silent push of Progressive Liberals to incrementally slide America socially to the political left, particularly after the past 7 years of Barack Obama’s desire to “fundamentally transform” this nation from our traditional conservative foundation, it appears that they may still have some work ahead of them.

I know with all of the recent court victories that have been chalked up be the left such as, the Supreme Court striking down the Defense of Marriage Act in 2013, the Obama Administration ending band on Gays serving openly in the Military, the most infamous one, the Supreme Court’s redefining marriage in 2013, and cases such as the Colorado Baker who was ordered to bake a gay couple a wedding cake by a State court, one would think that the Progressive Left ideology is supreme across the land. But, the exaggerated perception of the demise of the traditional conservative heart of America maybe far from reality.

Lets keep in mind that in 2012, Obama, Mr. Extreme Liberal himself, was on his way to his second reign, when ever the gay agenda was openingly presented to the American people, no matter the form, the American people voted it down in dramatic fashion. CBS reported in May of 2012 that in 32 States, comprising nearly 60% of the nation’s population, where the gay agenda was on a ballot the people voted it down. A Gallup Poll in January of the same year showed that 40% of respondents self-identified as conservative, 35% moderates [fence sitters], and only 21% liberals. It is no wonder that the Progressive Left has to use the Courts and coercion to redefine societal laws to get their agenda imposed on the American majority.

Time and time again, when the citizens of the United States and the people of America have been asked to chose between the values of the left or the right, they have chosen the right. Much to the alienation of the Progressives and the Political Elite, particularly the Federal Republican Party heads. The Party most identified as the champion of traditional American values, the Republican Party, have dominated every Congressional and State General Election since Mr. O’s reelection. In the 2014 Congressional Elections the Republicans smacked down the Democrats and gained more seats in the House than since the 1920’s and retook the Senate. And it didn’t get any prettier for the leftist agenda in the heartlands that day neither as reported, “Republicans now control state government outright in at least 24 states, one more than they did before the election. They control at least 66 of 99 state legislative chambers nationwide. And they cut the number of states with total Democratic control from 14 to seven — the lowest number since the Civil War.” Even voters in long-standing blue States of Illinois-Obama’s adopted State-, Maryland, and Massachusetts voted for a change course. Was this a grand show of support for the values and social ideology of Mr. O and his Party? Not in the slightest. answered that question with a heads-up to not only Democrats, but Republicans when reported, “Anti-abortion, pro-family values Republicans who didn’t mince words when it came to stating their views won — and those who ducked taking a bold position on socially conservative issues lost.”

The voters of both the U.S Citizenry and the American populace spoke loudly again in this year’s off-season Elections by saying NO! to the leftist/socialist agenda and gave the Republicans even more or a mandate to change course for the sake on that the nation’s posterity. Kentucky elected its first Republican Governor in 2 decades, in Matt Benin along with its first Black-American State-wide official as his running mate, Jenean Hampton. His election solidly place the whole south in the hands of the Republican Party. The people of Virginia tightened the leash on its new Democrat Governor by increasing Republican seats in its legislature. And on the same evening the people of Houston stumped a ballot proposal by the LGBT to carve out a special protections, outside of those already recognize in the Constitution, and would have given anyone claiming to be transgender the ability to go into the bathroom of the opposite sex. But the Republican Party Elites at the federal level inexplicably propagates the leftist agenda.

A June 2014 survey by Pew Research Center again edified that in reality America is conservative – 56%, fence sitters – 33%, and everyone else liberal. After the Great Society, the New Deal, and Obamanation, America’s is still conservative at heart. The people of the several states have spoken unequivocally and with no silent reservation. Over 60% of Americans believe America is going down the wrong track, according to a recent Rasmussen Poll, and we are hungering for a politician and Party to boldly echo our voices and bring us back on to the right track. Not for the sake of the generations of the yesterday or today, but for those of tomorrow.

The only question is with all of the Establishment Media, the government educational system, the Entertainment Industry, and the Progressive Libs, on both sides of the isle in the federal government, will they succeed in convincing or conforming us, the ideological majority, to accept that there is no absolute right and wrong, that there is no moral and immoral, that lie is now truth, that there is no real Truth? Can they have us accept that the ideology of a group that comprises less than 20% can set an agenda and path for the nation that is repugnant to the traditional values and beliefs to the majority?

The first rule in Saul Alinsky’s book Rule for Radicals states, “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.” The reason that Progressive Left has to use lies, coercion, and deception, and move its agenda in the shadows is because it can not win in the light. This is why it targets the young. It was Lenin, the Father of Communism/Socialism, who stated, Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”

America is the one nation where the Founders codified that power comes from the people, from the governed. We have the power to choose to be silent or speak boldly, to choose anarchy over order, servitude over freedom, and chose desecration over righteousness. Will the silent majority, the conservatives and just half of the fence sitters, of the several states voices be risen in time to defeat America’s radical transformation of our social foundation before it is too late? Our nation’s great Founders promised that we would always have a Republican form of government, but it is up to each of us to guarantee it for ourselves and our posterity.

The American and European Border Crisis: The Alinsky-Piven Strategy Threatens Christendom Strongholds


A 2005 article reported  on Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, Columbia University sociologists, author a book in 1966 called “The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty”, later referred to as the Cloward-Piven Strategy. In the article  Cloward and Piven describes how to transform a capitalist world into a socialist world, stating, “Rather than placating the poor with government hand-outs,, activists should work to sabotage and destroy the welfare system; the collapse of the welfare state would ignite a political and financial crisis that would rock the nation; poor people would rise in revolt; only then would “the rest of society” accept their demands. They believed that if capitalist governments were “pressed to honor every word of every law and statute, every Judeo-Christian moral tenet, and every implicit promise of the liberal social contract, human agencies inevitably fall short. The system’s failure to “live up” to its rule book can then be used to discredit it altogether, and to replace the capitalist “rule book” with a socialist one.” What “rule book” are they referring to? These two were heavily inspired by another 1960’s leftist radical, Saul Alinsky, author of Rules for Radicals. In his book under “Rule 7 “Tactics”- How the “Have-Nots” can take power away from “the Haves.” “Tactics #4 “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity.”

And just what is the tenet of Christendom that can arguably be its achilles heel? Our devotion to charity, aiding our neighbor in need. America, for example, has the Judeo-Christian Bible as a template for it’s founding documents and is the most charitable nation on the planet ten times over. A few of the tenets of the Bible are: “Feed the hungry! Help those in trouble! Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you shall be as bright as day. And the Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy you with all good things, and keep you healthy too; and you will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring. (Isaiah 58:10-11) and “Whoever has two coats must share with anyone who has none; and whoever has food must do likewise.” (Luke 3:10-11)

Even the most casual observer who is witnessing what is occurring on the southern border of America and the southern borders of the continent of Europe, with the unprecedented flood of immigrants literally erasing the concept of borders, can see that it is these such tenets that are being unmercifully abused.

The existence of Mexico and Latin America to the south of America is nothing new. Nor is the existence of the nations of Northern Africa, such as Syria, Libya, and Sudan, being south of Europe. There has been trade and people immigrating [LEGALLY] between the countries for generations upon generations. But someone seems to have whispered in the ears of the region’s of Latin America and Northern Africa poorest poor  and  disenfranchised amongst them that they have a right to immigrate to the most prosperous nations of the West just because they are in need to do so. Rather someone is enticing them. Whether their “hardship” is due to war or drug violence, famine, or just because they want a better life for themselves and or their family, someone has told them that they now have the right to a life in the West. It is arguably not a “refugee” issue, particularly as it relates the Mexican and Latin Americans pouring into America by any means available.  It’s just a mass number of people, mostly young,  wanting a better life – in nations that so happen have generous welfare programs, like the U.S, Sweden, and Germany – being encouraged to leave their homes to be transplanted in the West.  Never mind that every western country is already under water in debt.

The mass increase in foreign young people, of different cultures, customs, and very different religions, largely unscreened for self-sustainability, health issues, and are not encouraged to assimilate into the dominate culture.  The host nation’s culture and customs are being surrendered.  This is a recipe for disaster for the host nation.

Are we to believe that all of this disruption on two continents, nearly simultaneously, is happening strictly organically, independently, and by coincidence? Really?  Then why not go to a nation of similar culture and religion that are wealthy, like Brazil, Saudi Arabia, or the UAE?  Someone is giving them marching orders with instructions on what foot lead of with, what direction to go, and what to say and do upon their arrival to destination.

As evidence of severity of the orchestrated crisis in the States.

  • In March of 2014 reported the U.S had more illegal immigrants than citizens who were unemployed-approx. 12 million.
  • on September 4,2015 reported, that illegal and illegal immigrants in
    America use more welfare benefits than those native-born citizens, as of 2012. While a 2014 report by reported that nearly 35% of U.S Citizens were already on the government dole in the same year [approx. 109,631,000]
  • September article in, reported, “More than 90 percent of recent refugees from Middle Eastern nations are on food stamps and nearly 70 percent receive cash assistance, according to government data.” And Mr. O wants to bring an additional 70,000 this yr, to approx. a ridiculous 100,000 Syrian, i.e., the middle east, by 2017. [According to a September report.] Good thing he won’t be around that long. Hopefully!
  • A July 2014 reported, U.N agents were handling the “refugees” at the U.S southern borders. Allowing them [gang members] to come into the U.S. The designation of refugee rather than immigrant applies international accords above national law. Isn’t it interesting that no one is any longer immigrant, but a refugee? Who was it to tell them of the that trick?

Even a couple of Congressmen have recognized the Piven trademark in the Obama Administration’s handling of the Mexican illegal immigration crisis. In a June 2014 article of, “I do feel this attempt to flood the border with illegals is a playing out of the Cloward-Piven theory,” said Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa. Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas, agreed that Obama – who studied the chaos strategy at Columbia, according to a classmate – “is trying to do a Cloward-Piven thing with the border.”… “they believe the flooding of America’s Southwest border with thousands of illegal-alien children seeking government handouts and citizenship is the intended outcome of policies by the Obama administration derived from a strategy by radical sociologists to transform America into a socialist state.”

Over the oceans the scene is eerily similar.

  • After decades of worry-free borders, the E.U is in a crisis due over 5-7+ thousands “migrants” pouring through the Hungarian and Austrian southern borders….daily. Reports September 15.
  • reported in July, that the E.U “refugee” crisis could cost Germany alone over $11 billion by years end.
  • In a September report in “Five men have been arrested as they attempted to cross the Bulgarian-Macedonian border with decapitation videos and Islamic State propaganda on their phones.”

There is one rule in the Bible that may save the Christian nations, just as it has made America unpopular to the lazy-minded for some 200 years, before socialism became so P.C; For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”; “We hear that some among you are idle and disruptive. They are not busy; they are busybodies”; “Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the food they eat.” 2 Thessalonians 3:10-12.  Americans of today, as well as the people of Christian Europe, have been given a covenant/inheritance founded on the principles of one reaping the harvest that he sows. The principles of people such as Pivens and Alinsky are of taking from the so-called “haves” and given to the “have nots”, either by depiction or by force.  Just as another famous socialist/communist, Karl Marx, who professed that one was entitled to the property/wealth of another simply due his need from those based on their ability/degree of give.  In America particularly, one is not expected to feast of a meal that has been prepared for another without earning the right to do so, or being granted permission from preparer.  Our prosperity has not come by happenstance.  But by Divine Providence and a steadfast belief in our Christian principles. Our values and principles are not to be shunned nor ashamed of.  The seeds of the field of Christendom has fed us all to become fat, lazy, and content.   The reality that today nations whose ancestry failed to prepare them a table grounded on similar principles is a harsh vision of whose principles are more lasting and superior.  But, we in America and the West who have feasted long on the meal prepared by our forefathers are in grave danger of surrendering their table and all that was placed before them due to our lack of reverence and appreciation for what we have and the knowledge of our forefathers sacrifices to bestow this extraordinary remarkable table for their posterity.  At the end the day, we chose our future and that of our nation.