
American Social Crisis

When America Is No Longer America…

If the Left succeeds in severing our nation’s connection to the Bible and or reduce our nation’s fundamental traditional principles and customs that not only connect us to what made us a remarkable nation to remember-whens, history will mark it as the greatest human tragedy EVER where free men and women chose to be slave and chose to follow man rather than God!

Hear no, speak no, see no.

How Can Fiction and Reality Co-Exist Simultaneously In The Minds of So Many Americans Today?

We live in a time in America, in a nation that was founded on the essence of a free-thinking people being able to self-govern their lives based on well-informed rational, logical, and moral judgment, where many of us can see one counter of meat and food labeled as “natural” and the other with no label and accept them both being true and equally safe to be consumed.

Republicanism still lives

COVID-19 Crisis Is Bringing In A New America

Today, I believe that we are witnessing the sun setting on the America as many of us once knew it from our founding and the too often regurgitated phrase and belief of this being the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.  Under the cloud of the COVID-19 Pandemic governments all over the world have grabbed huge fistfuls of power simply by edict, an official order or proclamation issued by a person in authority. 

Silencing Christians

It Is And Has Always Been About Our Cultural and Social Issues America.

When was the last time that you can remember a Presidential candidate running on shinning a light on the pressing a social or cultural issue such as the restoration of Biblical principles amongst the youth and the public schools since him? Or the absence of morality in the culture? Or just the reverence for American capitalism versus Socialism/Communism?.


Creeping Social Tyranny Is Envoge In America Today

Americans have the Constitutionally protected right to speak freely. But what if we began to self-monitor ourselves to not speak words that may be deemed unpopular, offensive, or politically incorrect? Pretty kewl, huh? Kinda like slaying the king in the womb before birth.